作者 | 題目 | 期刊 | 年份 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
從中國人觀點看--基督信仰的授受 | 神學年刊 (001) |
1977 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
Joy From a Theological Viewpoint | 神學年刊 (001) |
1977 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
評介「人怎樣認識神」一書中 | 神學年刊 (002) |
1978 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
奧古斯丁在「論神之城」一書中對解釋學的貢獻 | 神學年刊 (003) |
1979 |
陳尹瑩 湯漢 Tong, John |
基督徒也能在共產中國做個好國民嗎? | 神學年刊 (004) |
1980 |
易福.貢格 Congar, Yves 湯漢 |
地區自主與中央集權 | 神學年刊 (006) |
1982 |
Roger, Aubert 湯漢 Tong, John |
一位先進的教合人物--馬爾斯樞機主教 | 神學年刊 (007) |
1983 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
簡介利馬文獻論聖洗 | 神學年刊 (008) |
1984 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
編寫《創世論》神學教材的背後 | 神學年刊 (014) |
1992-93 |
湯漢 Tong, John Barry, Peter |
Why and How I Wrote The Theology of Creation | 神學年刊 (014) |
1992-93 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
基督臨在聖體聖事中 | 神思 (012) |
1992 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
天主創造了人類 | 神思 (017) |
1993 |
湯漢 | 從神學觀點看喜樂 | 神學論集 (031) |
1977 |
湯漢 | 創世的目的 | 神學論集 (023) |
1975 |
湯漢 | 從神學觀點看「堂區」 | 神學論集 (021) |
1974 |
湯漢 | 「煉獄」教義的探討 | 神學論集 (025) |
1975 |
湯漢 | 主教職與司鐸職的區別 | 神學論集 (020) |
1974 |
湯漢 | 重溫亞洲主教會對中國教會的關注 | 神思 (040) |
1999 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
培育中國神職人員的困難所在 | 鼎Tripod (129) |
2003 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
Difficulties and problems encountered in the formation for ... | 鼎Tripod (129) |
2003 |
湯漢 沈西靈 江大惠 |
回應 | 思 (022) |
1992 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
義和團運動與中國基督宗教研討會閉幕演講 | 鼎Tripod (134) |
2004 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
An International Conference on the Boxer Movement and Christianity... | 鼎Tripod (134) |
2004 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
星光伴我行 | 鼎Tripod (138) |
2005 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
Shinging stars in my life | 鼎Tripod (138) |
2005 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
見証的力量 | 鼎Tripod (100) |
1997 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
從《中國社會主義時期的宗教問題》看宗教信仰自由政策 | 鼎Tripod (090) |
1995 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
教宗的新訊息 | 鼎Tripod (089) |
1995 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
胡樞機內地之行的牧民關懷(編者的話) | 鼎Tripod (084) |
1994 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
中國頒佈有關外國人宗教活動新規定(編者的話) | 鼎Tripod (079) |
1994 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
邁向九七的香港社會及天主教會 | 鼎Tripod (074) |
1993 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
Society and the Catholic Church of Hong Kong toward 1997 | 鼎Tripod (074) |
1993 |
林瑞琪 Lam, Anthony 湯漢 |
中國家庭面對的衝擊 | 鼎Tripod (072) |
1992 |
湯漢 Tong, John 林瑞琪 |
Changing family structures in China | 鼎Tripod (072) |
1992 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
中國天主教與儒家思想交談簡歷 | 鼎Tripod (068) |
1992 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
Confucian-Catholic dialogue in historical perspective | 鼎Tripod (068) |
1992 |
Kroeger, James 湯漢 Tong, John |
重燃傳教活力熱火 | 鼎Tripod (062) |
1991 |
墨菲 湯漢 |
十年變革:另一個使命時代的結束 | 鼎Tripod (060) |
1990 |
湯漢 | 中國近十年來宗教政策的「底線」 | 鼎Tripod (060) |
1990 |
墨菲 Murphy, Laurence 湯漢 |
Ten years of change:the end of another missionary era | 鼎Tripod (060) |
1990 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
The“bottom line”of China’s policy on religion during the past 10 ye | 鼎Tripod (060) |
1990 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
大陸修院的近況與前瞻 | 鼎Tripod (059) |
1990 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
大陸修女的培育 | 鼎Tripod (059) |
1990 |
湯漢 Tong, John Barry, Peter |
Seminary formation in China today and prospects for the future | 鼎Tripod (059) |
1990 |
湯漢 Tong, John Barry, Peter |
The formation of Sisters in China | 鼎Tripod (059) |
1990 |
Michiels, R. 湯漢 Tong, John |
教會內有民主嗎? | 鼎Tripod (058) |
1990 |
Waldenfels, Hans 湯漢 Tong, John |
中國的地方教會 | 鼎Tripod (057) |
1990 |
古愛華 Gluer, Winfried M. 湯漢 |
中國基督教與德國基督教的關係 | 鼎Tripod (057) |
1990 |
Plate, Manfred 馬雷凱 湯漢 |
德國天主教徒對中國的動向 | 鼎Tripod (057) |
1990 |
彭慎靈 Pisani, Osvaldo 湯漢 |
信仰小團體 | 鼎Tripod (057) |
1990 |
Hendrickx, Herman 湯漢 Tong, John |
路加福音及宗徒大事錄所面向的團體 | 鼎Tripod (055) |
1990 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
教宗在漢城向中國教友講話 | 鼎Tripod (054) |
1989 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
The Pope in Seoul: A Mesage to China | 鼎Tripod (054) |
1989 |
Tomko, Josef Cardinal 湯漢 劉賽眉 |
傳教對救恩神學的挑戰 | 鼎Tripod (053) |
1989 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
大陸對待天主教的政策新動向 | 鼎Tripod (052) |
1989 |
Buckley, Francis J. 湯漢 Tong, John |
路加褔音中的治療與修和 | 鼎Tripod (052) |
1989 |
湯漢 Tong, John Barry, Peter |
The New direction of China's Policy toward the Catholic Church | 鼎Tripod (052) |
1989 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
從北京學運看中國現代化的趨勢 | 鼎Tripod (051) |
1989 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
一九八○年代的香港天主教:橋樑角色 | 鼎Tripod (051) |
1989 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
Hong Kong Catholic Diocese in the 1980's: A Bridge | 鼎Tripod (051) |
1989 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
Modernization and the Beijing Student Movement | 鼎Tripod (051) |
1989 |
Van Binh, Paul Nguyen Archbishop 湯漢 Tong, John |
越南胡志明市阮文平總主教發言 | 鼎Tripod (049) |
1989 |
湯漢 Bui, Thi Nhu Kha Sr. 林瑞琪 |
越南胡志明市阮文平總主教發言 | 鼎Tripod (049) |
1989 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
聖神研究中心七週年簡報 | 鼎Tripod (042) |
1987 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
Holy Spirit Study Centre: Annual Report | 鼎Tripod (042) |
1987 |
耶穌小兄弟 Little Brother of Jesus 湯漢 |
回應基督愛的召喚 成為祂赤貧的教會 | 鼎Tripod (041) |
1987 |
Reilly, John S.J. 湯漢 |
淺談基督徒經驗的「分辨」 | 鼎Tripod (041) |
1987 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
中國天主教友好代表團訪美 | 鼎Tripod (036) |
1986 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
聖神研究中心週年簡報 | 鼎Tripod (036) |
1986 |
湯漢 Tong, John Barry, Peter |
The Visit of the Chinese Catholic Friendship Delegation | 鼎Tripod (036) |
1986 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
Holy Spirit Study Centre: The Annual Report | 鼎Tripod (036) |
1986 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
胡主教粵東行 | 鼎Tripod (031) |
1986 |
湯漢 Tong, John Wurth, Elmer |
With Bishop Wu in Guangdong | 鼎Tripod (031) |
1986 |
墨菲 Murphy, Laurence T. 湯漢 |
千里之行,始於足下 | 鼎Tripod (030) |
1985 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
聖神研究中心第五周年簡報 | 鼎Tripod (030) |
1985 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
The 5th Year Report of Holy Spirit Study Centre | 鼎Tripod (030) |
1985 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
從上海而來的訪客 | 鼎Tripod (029) |
1985 |
湯漢 Tong, John Tse, K. L. |
Visitors From Shanghai | 鼎Tripod (029) |
1985 |
梁作祿 蘇主榮 湯漢 |
為中國印刷聖經 -- 訪崔燦英牧師 | 鼎Tripod (027) |
1985 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
歷史性的訪問 | 鼎Tripod (026) |
1985 |
湯漢 Tong, John Barry, Peter |
With Bishop Wu on His Historic Visit to China | 鼎Tripod (026) |
1985 |
墨菲 Murphy, Laurence T. 湯漢 |
一主、一信、一洗 | 鼎Tripod (025) |
1985 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
聖神研究中心第四週年簡報 | 鼎Tripod (024) |
1984 |
湯漢 Tong, John Barry, Peter |
The 4th Year Report of Holy Spirit Study Centre | 鼎Tripod (024) |
1984 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
初訪國內天主教神哲學院 | 鼎Tripod (023) |
1984 |
湯漢 Tong, John Wurth, Elmer |
A Visit to Catholic Seminaries in China | 鼎Tripod (023) |
1984 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
傳教‧本地化‧交談 | 鼎Tripod (021) |
1984 |
湯漢 Tong, John Barry, Peter |
Mission, Indigenization, Dialogue | 鼎Tripod (021) |
1984 |
McGovern, Arthur F. 湯漢 Tong, John |
比較馬克思主義與基督信仰對「人性」及「人道主義」的看法 | 鼎Tripod (018) |
1983 |
Cottier, Georges M.M. 湯漢 Tong, John |
馬克思主義內無神論的來龍去脈 | 鼎Tripod (018) |
1983 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
聖神研究中心的第三週年 | 鼎Tripod (018) |
1983 |
湯漢 Tong, John Wurth, Elmer |
Holy Spirit Study Centre: Third Anniversary Report | 鼎Tripod (018) |
1983 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
日內瓦湖畔的交流 -- 「中國研究合一聯絡小組」第六次聚會 | 鼎Tripod (015) |
1983 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
A Colloquium at Lake Geneva - The Sixth Meeting at the Ecumenical... | 鼎Tripod (015) |
1983 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
聖神研究中心第二週年的回顧及展望 | 鼎Tripod (014) |
1983 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
Holy Spirit Study Centre: A Review of the Second Year and Future Hopes | 鼎Tripod (014) |
1983 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
利瑪竇對中國的貢獻 -- 反省兩位現代中國學者的評論 | 鼎Tripod (012) |
1982 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
評介「傳教士與近代中國」 | 鼎Tripod (007) |
1982 |
湯漢 Tong, John Martin, Mary Louise |
Book Review:“Missionaries and Modern China” | 鼎Tripod (007) |
1982 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
八一滿地可會議 -- 簡報及反省 | 鼎Tripod (006) |
1981 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
聖神研究中心週年工作的回顧及展望 | 鼎Tripod (006) |
1981 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
Brief Report and Reflections on Montreal Conference, 1981 | 鼎Tripod (006) |
1981 |
湯漢 Tong, John Martin, Mary Louise |
Holy Spirit Study Centre: A Review of One Year and Future Hopes | 鼎Tripod (006) |
1981 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
從任命鄧以明為總主教事件者 -- 教廷的路線及國人的心理 | 鼎Tripod (004) |
1981 |
湯漢 Tong, John Martin, Mary Louise |
The Vatican's Approach and the Feeling of the Chinese | 鼎Tripod (004) |
1981 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
教宗首席權與主教團的關係 -- 中國天主教質詢的一個神學問題 | 鼎Tripod (003) |
1981 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
The Primacy of the Pope and the Collegiality of the Bishops... | 鼎Tripod (003) |
1981 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
評介「中國天主教」創刊號 | 鼎Tripod (002) |
1981 |
沙百里 Charbonnier, Jean 湯漢 |
附錄:從中國雜誌看楊真的著作 | 鼎Tripod (002) |
1981 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
Review of the First Issue of the“Catholic Church in China” | 鼎Tripod (002) |
1981 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
兩篇有關共產主義道德的文章 | 鼎Tripod (001) |
1981 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
Two Articles on Communist Morality | 鼎Tripod (001) |
1981 |
湯漢 | 中國大陸天主教男、女修院現況 | 亞洲研究 (004) |
1993 |
湯漢 | 《社會主義中國的宗教問題》座談會紀要 —— 寄望和平演變不可搞對抗 | 亞洲研究 (004) |
1993 |
湯漢 | 梵二與香港的神學培育 | 神思 (097) |
2013 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
兩位新列聖的教宗同關懷中國 | 鼎Tripod (173) |
2014 |
湯漢 | 「依納爵靈修研討會」感恩祭講道辭 | 神思 (105) |
2015 |
湯漢 | 中國教會與普世教會的共融合一 | 鼎Tripod (182) |
2016 |
湯漢 | 從教會學角度展望中梵交談 | 鼎Tripod (184) |
2017 |
湯漢 | 推動包容精神 重建官民互信 | 鼎Tripod (195) |
2019 |
湯漢 Tong, John |
Ricci's Contribution to China - A Reflection on the Insights of two... | 鼎Tripod (012) |
1982 |
湯漢 | 華南/聖神修院培育九十載 | 恒毅 (634) |
2022 |
聖神修院神哲學院 香港黃竹坑惠福道六號 校務處:college@hsscol.org.hk 圖書館:library@hsscol.org.hk |
Holy Spirit Seminary College 6, Welfare Road, Aberdeen, HK. General Office: college@hsscol.org.hk Library: library@hsscol.org.hk |