作者 | 題目 | 期刊 | 年份 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
Trinitarian and Christological Bases for a Christian Theology of Inter | 神學年刊 (019) |
1998 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
The Postmodern Condition and the Enduring Good News of the Gospel | 神學年刊 (020) |
1999 |
柯毅霖 | 從基督信仰看宗教對話以聖三神學及基督論為基礎 | 神學論集 (122) |
1999 |
柯毅霖 黎明輝 |
福音在中國本地化的神學反思 | 神思 (047) |
2000 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
傳媒所選二零零二年風雲人物--陳主教 | 鼎Tripod (128) |
2003 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
Bishop Zen, Hong Kong’s person of the year | 鼎Tripod (128) |
2003 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
Dialogues on Jesus in China (12)--Jesus and Buddha | 鼎Tripod (128) |
2003 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
Three international symposiums on China and Christianity | 鼎Tripod (128) |
2003 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
China and the Catholic Church the country is changing ... | 鼎Tripod (129) |
2003 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
Dialogues on Jesus in China(13)--Dialogue versus syncretism | 鼎Tripod (129) |
2003 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
Three documents:a commentary | 鼎Tripod (130) |
2003 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni 陳愛潔 |
福若瑟與安治泰:兩位傳教士,兩種風格 | 鼎Tripod (131) |
2003 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
Freinademetz and Anzer:two missionaries, two styles | 鼎Tripod (131) |
2003 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
Dialogues on Jesus in China (14):the way of friendship | 鼎Tripod (131) |
2003 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
中國大陸的基督宗教研究 | 鼎Tripod (123) |
2001 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
The Pope offers a gesture of affection and generosity | 鼎Tripod (123) |
2001 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
Dialogues on Jesus in China(8)--our great Father-Mother | 鼎Tripod (123) |
2001 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
China Matteo Ricci conference in Beijing | 鼎Tripod (123) |
2001 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
Christian studies in mainland China(1) | 鼎Tripod (122) |
2001 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
Dialogues on Jesus in China(7)--why was Jesus not the ... | 鼎Tripod (122) |
2001 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
International symposium on Wu Li:painter, poet and Jesuit in ... | 鼎Tripod (132) |
2004 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
Christian studies in China | 鼎Tripod (132) |
2004 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
與李篤安主教對談 | 鼎Tripod (133) |
2004 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
An interview with Bishop Anthony Li Du’an of Xi’an | 鼎Tripod (133) |
2004 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
A crucial turning point in the Chinese Church | 鼎Tripod (133) |
2004 |
Criveller, Gianni 柯毅霖 |
New Age and Christian Faith | 神學年刊 (024) |
2003 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
教宗若望保祿二世向中國的呼聲 | 鼎Tripod (137) |
2005 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
Pope John Paul II and China | 鼎Tripod (137) |
2005 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
聖神研究中心廿五年誌慶 | 鼎Tripod (139) |
2005 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
A special remembrance for the 25th anniversary of the Holy Spirit .. | 鼎Tripod (139) |
2005 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
福音在中國本地化的隱喻:天主教的一個觀點 | 神學年刊 (026) |
2005 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
從香港新樞機看「中梵建交」前景 | 鼎Tripod (141) |
2006 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
A cardinal in Hong Kong | 鼎Tripod (141) |
2006 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
Is the internet changing China, or is China changing the internet? | 鼎Tripod (142) |
2006 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
向一位深受愛戴的修女道別 | 鼎Tripod (143) |
2006 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
Archbishop Li Du’an:a great model for young bishops in China | 鼎Tripod (143) |
2006 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
So long to a much loved Sister | 鼎Tripod (143) |
2006 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
利瑪竇在華的傳教事業:邁向北京的旅程 | 鼎Tripod (116) |
2000 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
文革婦女訴說她們的故事 | 鼎Tripod (109) |
1999 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
憶耶穌會士甘易逢神父 | 鼎Tripod (109) |
1999 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
艾儒略與中國晚明凡基督宣講(二) | 鼎Tripod (106) |
1998 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
艾儒略與中國晚明的基督宣講(一) | 鼎Tripod (105) |
1998 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
晚明首批來華耶穌會士詮釋的基督 | 鼎Tripod (103) |
1998 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
Alessandro Valignano, founder of the Church in China:the 400th ... | 鼎Tripod (144) |
2007 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni 郭春慶 |
宗教與後現代主義 | 神思 (074) |
2007 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
略談各方對教宗致中國信眾牧函的回應 | 鼎Tripod (146) |
2007 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
Reactions to the letter of Popr Benedict XVI to Chinese Church | 鼎Tripod (146) |
2007 |
柯毅霖 | 新紀元與基督信仰 | 神學年刊 (028) |
2007 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni 蘇貝蒂 |
聖保祿的傳教神學 | 神思 (081) |
2009 |
柯毅霖 | 二零零九,充滿週年紀念的一年 | 鼎Tripod (153) |
2009 |
柯毅霖 | 湯漢主教接受本刊成員訪問 | 鼎Tripod (153) |
2009 |
柯毅霖 | 傳教神學發展史略 —— 宗座外方傳教會的傳教活動及其神學的變更 | 神學年刊 (030) |
2009 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
《願他們合而為一》通諭的研讀 | 神思 (086) |
2010 |
柯毅霖 | 利瑪竇的傳教方法 | 鼎Tripod (158) |
2010 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
湯漢:第七位華人樞機 | 鼎Tripod (166) |
2012 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
宗座外方傳教會百五年在港傳福音 | 鼎Tripod (164) |
2012 |
柯毅霖 | 徐光啟與利瑪竇—— 中國天主教之父 | 神思 (115) |
2017 |
柯毅霖 Criveller, Gianni |
Christianity's first arrival in China | 鼎Tripod (123) |
2001 |
聖神修院神哲學院 香港黃竹坑惠福道六號 校務處:college@hsscol.org.hk 圖書館:library@hsscol.org.hk |
Holy Spirit Seminary College 6, Welfare Road, Aberdeen, HK. General Office: college@hsscol.org.hk Library: library@hsscol.org.hk |