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    1. F. , La Philosophie de Saint Augustin et l'existentianisme; dans: L'existentianisme, ed. par , etc., Paris 1947, p.9-33. See R. Harper, Existentianism. A Theory of Man, Cambridge 1949, P.10ff
    2. Instruction on certain Aspekts of the Theology of Liberation, Vatican City 1984, IV, 15f
    3. Instruction on Christian Freedom, Vatican City 1986, Nr.75
    4. E.Palmer, Hermeneutics: Interpretation Theory in Schleiermacher, Dilthey, Heidegger and Gadamer, Evanston 1969, p.88f
    5. P. Ricoeur, The Task of Hermeneutics, in: Hermeneutics and the Human Sciences. Essays on Language, Action and Interpretation, Cambridge 1981, p.46
    6. E.Coreth, Grundfragen der Hermeneutik, Freiburg i.B,u.a. 1969, p.17f
    7. H.G, Gadamer, Truth and Method, London 1975, p.273f; See R. Bontekoe, Gadamer and Schleiermacher, in International Philosophical Quarterlly, XXVII (1987) p.3-16
    8. J.B. Thompson, Critical Hermeneutics. A Study in the Thought of P. Ricoeur and J. Habermas, Cambridge 1981, p.80f
    9. P. Brown, Augustine of Hippo. A Biography, London 1967, p.158f
    10. R.J. O' Connell, St. Augusstine’ Confessions. The Odyssey of Soul, Cambridge 1969, p.5f
    11. 聖奧斯定著《懺悔錄》,應楓譯,光啟,台中民52年,原號(1,9)。
      See The Confessions of St. Augustine. Transleted by F.J. Sheed, N.Y. 1943
    12. ibid, 11,2
    13. ibid. 11,4
    14. R. Guardini, The Conversion of Augustine, N.Y. 1960, p.161
    15. note 11: III,4; see note 9: p.40
    16. note 9: p.46-60
    17. W. Weischedel, Der Gott der Philosophen, Bd.I, 1985, p.100f
    18. note 11: V,6
    19. ibid.
    20. ibid. VII,1
    21. note 9: p.105f
    22. note 11: VIII,5
    23. ibid. VIII,12; See note 10: p.100f
    24. note 11: IX,6
    25. ibid. I,1; See M. Marshall, The Restless Heart. The Life and Influence of St. Augustine, Michigan 1987
    26. L. Rambo, Current Research on Religious Conversion, in RSR8 (1982) 146-59; See D.L. Gelpi, Religious Conversion: A new Way of Beeing, in The Human Experience of Conversion. Persons and Structures in Transformation, Villanova 1987; See also W. Conn, Christian Conversion: A Developmental Interpretation of Autonomy and Surrender, N.Y. 1986; L. Rambo, Understanding Religious Conversion, New Haven 1993; L. Gendron, Six Conversion Stories. A Look in Depth, California 1993
    27. Deut, 6,20-25; 24,17f; Jer.22,13-16; Ps.68,5-6; Amos,4,1-3; Mic,3,9-12; Joh,1,14; 1Joh,4,20
    28. Mac,7,1; Joh,20,31; Rom,10,9; See G. Gutierrez, A Theology of Liberation, N.Y., 1973, p.153f
    29. A.Stacpoole (ed.), Vatican II Revisited by those who were there, Minnisota 1986

    1. J.L. Segundo, Two Theologies of Liberation, in : The Month 1984 / Oct., p320-28
    2. Medellin, The Church in the present-day -- Transformation of Latin America in the Light of the Council, II. Conclusions. Ed. By Secretarat of Latin America, Washington 1979
    3. 武金正,《解放神學•脈絡中的詮釋》,光啟,台北民80,頁102-15
    4. J.C. Segundo, Theology of Liberation, N.Y, 1977, 7-38
    5. J. Sobrino, Theologisches Erkennen in der n und der lateinamerikanischen Theologie, in K. Rahner (hg.), Befreiende Theologie, Stuttgart 1977, p.123-43; J. Sobrino, Christology at the Crossroads. A Latin American Approach, N.Y. 1978
    6. G. Gutierrez, The Power of the Poor in History, Querzon city 1985, p.38f
    7. ibid. p.100f
    8. Puebla. Evangelization at present and in the future of Latin America. Conclusions. ed. By Secretariat of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington DC 980, Nr. 31, 87f
    9. C. Bravo, Les de Base, dans: RSR 74 (1986) p.51
    10. B. Leerss, Kirchliche Basissgemeinde in Lateinamerika. Eine theoretische Darstellung, Bonn 1980, p. 25f
    11. Toward the third Millennium: The Conference of San Domingo. An Historic Event, in : Church & Cultures 18 (1992) 9f; Lateinamerika: Das Arbeitsdokument Santo Domingo, in: Herder Korrespondenz 46 (1992) p.400f; A. Brassloff, Santo Domingo: Lessons for a New Evangelisation, in: Priests & People 6 (1992) 372f
    12. G. Gutierrez, We Drink from our own Wells. The spiritual journey of a people, N.Y.1984, P.14f
    13. Comunicado de la Conferencia Episcopal de Guatemala, Agusto 6,1981, in: Morir y despertar en Guatemala, Lima 1981, p.118
    14. P.Courcelle, Recherches sur les Confessions de Saint Augustin, Paris 1950, p.27f
    15. P. Fredriksen, Paul and Augustine. Conversion narratives, orthodox Traditions, and the retrospective Self, in: Journal of Theological Studies 37 (1986) 3-34
    16. , Weltgeschichte und Heilsgeschichte, Stuttgart 1963, p.148-59; See A.H. Armstrong, St. Augustine and Christian Platonism, in: R.A. Markus (ed.), Augustine. A Collection of Critical Essays, Garden city 1972, p.3-37
    17. Exodus 3,14
    18. R.A. Markus, Saeculum: History and Society in the Theology of St. Augustine, Cambridge 1970, p.82ff; See F.H. Russell, Only Something Good can be Evil. The Genesis of Augustine's Secular Ambivalence, in: Theological Studies 51 (1990) 689-716
    19. E.Pagels, Adam, Eve, and the Serpent, N.Y.1988, p.98ff
    20. J.V. Spickard, Transcending Marxism, in: Cross Current 42 (1992) p.326-42
    21. P.I. Berger / T. Luckmann, Die Gesellschafltiche Konstruktion der Wirklichkeit, Frankfurt a.M. 1970
    22. ibid. p.100-135




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