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  1. Barry, William A. and Connolly, William J. The Practice of Spiritual Direction. New York : The Seabury Press, 1982.
  2. Edwards, Tilde. Spiritual Friend : Reclaiming the Gift of Spiritual Direction. New York : Paulist Press, 1980.
  3. Fisher, Kathleen. Women at the Well. Feminist Perspectives on Spiritual Direction. New York : Paulist Prss, 1988.
  4. Laplace, Jean. Preparing for Spiritual Direction. Chicago : Franciscan Herald, 1975.
  5. Leech, Kenneth. Soul Friend : The Practice of Christian Spirituality. New York : Harper and Row, 1980.
  6. Liebert, Elizabeth. Changing Life Patterns. New York : Paulist Press, 1992.
  7. Liebert, Elizabeth. The Process of Change in Spiritual Direction : A Structural-developmental Perspective. Ann Harbor, Michigan : UMI, 1986.
  8. Troy, John Frederick. A Paychological Analysis of Spiritual Direction, Its Purpose and Process. A Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of Rosemead School of Paychology, Biola University, June 1988.
  9. 神學論集第44期(台中:光啟出版社,民國69年)


  1. Sacramentum Mundi, Vo1. 3, (West Germany, Herder, 1970), s.v.“Spiritual Direction,”by Friedrish Wulf.
  2. Kenneth Leech. Soul Friend : The Practice of Spiritual Direction (New York : The Seabury Press, 1982), 58.
  3. Elizabeth Ann Liebert, The Process of Change in Spiritual Direction. A Structural-developmental Perspective (Ann Harbor, Michigan : UMI, 1986), 32.
  4. Elizabeth Ann Liebert, Changing Life Patterns (New York : Paulist Press, l992), 9-10.
  5. 張春申,〈靈修的意義〉,神學論集44(台中:光啟出版社,民國69年)P. 147-148.
  6. 參註2.,P. 37-38。
  7. John Frederick Troy. A Psychological AnaIysis of Spiritual Direction, Its Purpose and Process. A Dissertation presented to the Faculty of Rosemead School of Psychology, June 1988, 47-50.
  8. William A. Barry and William J. Connolly. The Practice of Spiritual Direction (New York : The Seabury Press, 1982), 5.
  9. Thomas Merton, Spiritual Direction and Meditation and What Is Contemplation? (Collegeville, Minnesota : The Liturgical Press, 1960), 17.
  10. Nouwen in Leech,參註2. Introduction, vi。
  11. 參註1.。
  12. Laplace著,胡安德譯,《神修指導的準備工作》(台北:上智出版社,1984)P.9-13,引文在P.9。
  13. 參註4.,P. 7- 8。
  14. 參甘易逢著,李哲修譯,《從神師看東西方神修的整合》,神論*39,P. 99。
  15. Tilden Edwards, Spiritual Friend (New York : Paulist, 1988) P.91。
  16. 參註2.,P.193,88- 89。
  17. Kathleen Fisher, Women at the Well (New York : Paulist Prss, 1988), 19- 20.
  18. Nuevo Diccionario de Espiritualidad (Madrid : Ediciones Paulinas, 1983), s.v. “Padre Espiritual,”by A. Mercatali.
  19. 參註15. Edwards, P. 61-64, 174-193。
  20. 參註15. Edwards, P.4- 8。
  21. 參溫保祿,〈基督徒的靈修〉,神論*44,p. 169。
  22. 參註8.,p. 11。
  23. 主教團日誌,146期(民國81年2月)。
  24. 參註2.,Leech, Appendix, 223 - 225;及詹德隆,《與天主和好》(台中:光啟出版社,民國73年)P. 39。
  25. 參詹德隆,《神操與心理輔導(二者的相同點)》,神論*42,P. 149 - 170。




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