雙方角色 |
歐洲傳教士 |
中國教友和批評天主教的中國人 |
一、歷史學 |
1900∼1960 |
1960∼1990 |
觀點上的改變 |
引進 |
接受(歡迎或者拒絕) |
主要的研究問題 |
傳教士在中國怎麼介紹天主教? |
中國人對天主教有甚麼反應? |
預設概念 |
進步的概念 |
溝通的概念 |
第一手史料 |
傳教士的西文資料 |
中國人的中文資料 |
二、傳教神學 |
1950—1970 |
1970—1990 |
接近文化方法 |
適應法:外國人使自己適應新的文化 |
本位化:基督宗教在本地文化裡的具體化 |
主角 |
傳教士 |
本地教會 |
三、文化人類學 |
文化交流研究 |
文化傳入:外國文化佔了優勢:外來的成分改變本地的文化 |
本地化:本地文化佔了優勢:本著本地文化的成分重新詮釋外國文化 |
Bibliography of quoted writings:
P.M. d ’Elia, Fonti Ricciane (Storia dell ’ Introduzione del Cristianesmo in Cina), Roma, 1942-1949.
A. , J. A. Schall von Bell, Missionar in China, , 1933.
H. Bosmans,“ Ferdinand Verbiest”, Revue des Questions Scientifiques 71 (1912), pp. 195-273, 375-464.
P.A. Cohen,“The Anti-Christian Tradition in China”, Journal of Asian Studies 20 (1960-61), pp. 169-180.
D. Lancashire,“Chinese Reaction to Christianity in Late Ming China”, Journal of Oriental Society of Australia 6 (1968-69); pp. 82-103.
M. ,“ Kuang-ch’I (1562-1633) und seine Einstellung zum Christentum”, Oriens Extremus 15 (1968), pp. 191-257 ( I ); 16 (1969), pp. 41-74 ( II ).
J. Gernet, Chine et christianisme: Action et , Paris, 1982 (English: China and the Christian Impact: A Conflict of Cultures, Cambridge, 1985).
E. , Buddhist Conquest of China (The Spread and Adaptation of Buddhism in Early Medieval China, Leiden (repr.) 1972.
N. Standaert, Yang Tingyun, Confucian and Christian in Late Ming China, Leiden, 1988.
鐘鳴旦 ,〈楊廷筠:明末天主教儒者〉, 香港 , 聖神研究中心 , 一九八七年。

A. Maalouf, Les croisades vues par les arabes, Paris, 1983 (English : The Crusades Through
Arab Eyes, London, 1984)
R. Otto, Das Heilige, , 1936 (English: The Idea of the Holy, London, 1959) .
For a good survey of the new approach in the Anglosaxan world:
U. Bitterli, Cultures in Conflict: Encounters between European and non-European Cultures, 1952-1800, Cambridge, 1989.
On missionary historiography:
P. Jenkins,“Mission History - A Manifesto”, Missiology: An International Review X, 2 (1982), pp. 199-210.
E.J. Sharpe,“Reflections on Missionary Historiography”, International Bulletin of Missionary Research 13, 2 (1989), pp. 76-81.
A. Camps,“The Study of the History of Local Churches”, Tripod 54 (1989), pp. 30-38.
J.P. Wiest,“The Contemporary Relevance of Mission History”, Tripod 54 (1989), pp. 38-44.
On the definition of‘inculturation’see:
P. Arrupe,“Letter and Working Document Inculturation”, Acta Romana Societatis Iesu XVII, 2 (1978), pp. 256-281.
A.A. Roest Crollius,“What Is So New About Inculturation? A Concept and its Implications”, Gregorianum 59 (1978), pp. 721-738.
E. Mveng, L’Afrique dans l’Englise, Paris, 1988.
L.J. Luzbetak, The Church and Cultures: New Perspectives in Missiological Anthropology, New York, 1988, pp. 64-105.
A. Shorter, Toward a Theology of Inculturation, London, 1988. |