- Patrick D. Miller. The Divine Warrior in Early Israel (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP, 1973), 174.
- 見A.D.H. Mayes, Deuteronomy (Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1979), 41-55. 根據Mayes的研究,申命記的編纂過程有二個階段。但因本文僅屬初步研究,所以筆者把這二個階段合而為一,不另作區分。
- Millard Lind. Yahweh Is a Warrior (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1980), 24-34.
- Friedrich Schwally. Der heilige Krieg im alten Israel (Leipzig: Dieterich'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Theodor Weicher, 1901).
- Johannes Pedersen. "War", in his Israel, Its Life and Culture. III-IV (London: Cumberlege, Oxford UP, 1947), 1-32.
- Gerhard von Rad. Der heilige Krieg im alten Israel (
: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1952).
- Patrick D. Miller. The Divine Warrior in Early Israel.
- Rudolf Smend. Jahwekrieg und
Geschichte Israels ( : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1963). English translation by M.G. Rogers. Yahweh War and Tribal Confederation (Nashville, N.Y.: Abingdon Press, 1970).
- A. Glock. Warfare in Mari and Early Israel (Ph. D. Dissertation, Univ. of Michigan, 1968).
- Fritz Stolz. Jahwes und Israels Krieg (Zutich: Theologischer Verlag, 1972).
- Manfred Weippert. "Heiliger Krieg in Israel und Assyrien: Kritische Anmerkungen zu Gerhard von Rads Konzept des 'Heiligen Krieges im alten Israel.'" Zeitschrift fur die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, 84 (1972): 460-493.
- Gerhard von Rad. Studies in Deuteronomy. Tran. by David Stalker (London: SCM Press, 1963), 50-59.
- L.E. Toombs. "War, Ideas of," in IDB, vol. R-Z (1962), 797.
- Mayes, op. cit., 330-31. Mayes主張這段經文屬於申命記編者所加入的資料,因為其勸勉方式的改變,也因為這段經文的內容跟申命記法典不太一致。此處我們採用Mayes的說法。
- E.W. Nicholson. Deuteronomy and Tradition (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1967), 107-118對申命記法典的作者和申命記編者來自同一學派和傳統的論點做了很詳盡的說明。
- Martin Noth. The Deuteronomistic History (Sheffield, Eng.: Univ. of Sheffield, Dept. of Biblical Studies, 1981), 90.
- Gerhard von Rad. The Problem of the Hexateuch, and other Essays. Tran. by E.W. Trueman Dicken (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966), 91.
- 有關耶和華賞賜土地的觀念可參考 von Rad的The Problem of the Hexateuch, and Other Essays, 85頁。
- 有關以色列人的聖戰觀與古近東其他文化的關係,可從摩押石版 (Moabite Stone或The Mesha Inscription)的內容中窺見一斑。摩押石版是主前九世紀的文物,記載摩押王米沙反叛以色列的經過(見列王紀下第三章)。米沙王以極有限的軍隊,攻打以色列亞捫北部的地區,並屠殺了二個城市的以色列人。這個戰役是摩押人的神Chemosh的旨意。文中有一段話提到米沙王行使herem的經過:「我(米沙)把所有的男人和男孩,婦女和女孩,以及他們所有的僕人,—共七千人全部殺了,因為我把他們〔當作祭物〕獻給我的神Astar-Chemosh……Chemosh從我面前把他〔以色列王〕趕走……」而先前摩押人之所以被以色列人控制,乃是因為「Chemosh對他的土地發怒。」這個石版的發現說明了古代以色列人的聖戰觀並不是他們獨有的,而是古近東的諸民族共同的觀念。
- Von Rad, Der Heilige Krige im alten Israel, pp. 32, 70.
- Peter C. Craigie. The Problem of War in the Old Testament (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1978), 105.
Craigie, Peter C. The Problem of War in the Old Testament. Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1978.
Gottwald, Norman K. "Holy War in Deuteronomy: Analysis and Critique." Review and Expositor. LXI (1964): 296-310.
. "War, Holy" in Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible. Supplementary Volume, 942-44.
Lind, Millard C. Yahweh Is a Warrior. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1980.
Mayes, A.D.H. Deuteronomy. Grand Papids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1979.
Miller, Patrick D. The Divine Warrior in Early Israel. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1973.
Nicholson, E.W. Deuteronomy and Tradition. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1967.
Noth, Martin. The Deuteronomistic History. Sheffield: Univ. of Sheffield, Dept. of Biblical Studies, 1981.
Rad, Gerhard von. Der Heilige Krige im Alten Israel. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1952.
. Studies in Deuteronomy. Tran. by David Stalker. London: SCM Press, 1963.
. The Problem of the Hexateuch, and other Essays. Tran. by E.W. Trueman Dicken. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966.
Smend, Rudolf. Yahweh War & Tribal Confederation. Reflections upon Israel's Earliest History. Tran. by Max Gray Rogers. New York: Abingdon Press, 1970.
Toombs, L.E. "War, Ideas of." Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible. Vol. R-Z (1962), 796-801. |