GM Geist in Welt (1939)
HW Horer des Wortes (1941)
ST Schriften Zur Theologie :
ST , IV Ideologie und Christentum (1965) , pp. 59-76
ST , VI Marxistische Utopie und christliche Zukunft des Menschen 1965) , pp. 77-88
ST , IX Die Frage Nach der Zukunft (1970) , pp. 519-540
ST , VIII Fragment aus einer Theologischen Besinnung auf den Begriff der Zukunft (1967), 239-259
Metzt- Rahner, Antwort an Garaudy (1972) in Der Dialog oder andert sich das Verhaltnis zwischen Katholizismus und Marxismus (Hamburg : Reinbeck, 1972) , pp. 119-138
TI Theological Investigation (VI and VIII)
Mega. Marx-Engels Gesamtausgabe (Berlin , 1927 ff) ed. Rjazanov and Adoratskij
On Religion (Moscow : Foreign Language Publishing House, 1955)
- 拉內早期的著作都是哲學方面的,比方說Geist in Welt (1939) und Horer des Wortes (1941) . 參閱Geist in Welt : Zur Metaphysik der endlichen Erkenntnis bei Thomas von Aquin (Innsbruck, 1939) : GW
Horer des Wortes : Zur Grundlegung einer Religionsphilosophie, (Munchen ; 1941) : HW.
- 參閱Karl H. Weger, Karl Rahner. An Introduction to his Theology, 譯者David Smith, (New York : Seabury Press, 1980) : Weger, 17頁
也參閱Otto Muck, The Transcendental Method, 譯者William D. Seidensticker, (New York, Herder and Herder , 197) , Hereafter as Muck, 184頁GW, 9頁
- Weger, 22頁, Muck, 184頁
- 參閱Theodor W. Adorno, Negative Dialektik (Franfurt : Surkamp , 1966)
- 參閱H. Seiffert, Einfuhrung in die?? Wissen schaftstheorie (Munchen : beck, 1977) vol. 2. 199-200頁
再參閱Karl Popper , Conjectures and Refutations : The Growth of Scientific Knowledge (New York : Harper & Row, 1968) , 313頁? 第四個註解
- Weger , 53頁
Rahner, The Spirit in the Church , 18頁
- 參閱Israel J. , Alienation . From Marx to Modern Sociology (New Yersey : Humanistic Press, 1979) , 3頁
陳文團著 “Marx’s Understanding of Morality”, in Fujen Philosophical Study , No. 18 (1984) , 134頁??? 輔大哲子論集
- 參閱Lauer Quentin, “The Atheism of Karl Marx”, 在Marxism & Christianity, ed. H. Aftheker (New York : Humanities Press, 1968) , 40-53頁 esp. 48頁
- Marx, Mega, I, 1. Kritik der Hegelschen Staatsrechts.
- Feuerbach L. , Das Wesen des Christentums, in Werke VII, 55-62頁
- Israel J. , Alienation, op. cit. , 3-4頁
- Mega, I. 1, 448頁
- Feuerbach, Das Wesen des Christentums, Werke VIII, 293頁VI, 33頁 237頁
- ? Marx, Zur Judenfrage, I, 1843 : I, 157
Mega, I. 1,? 2, 286頁
- Engels F. , “On the History of Early Christianity”, in Die Neue Zeit : “The history of early Christianity has notable points of resemblance with the modern working-class movement. Like the latter, Christianity was originally a movement of oppressed people …”
- Marx-Engels, On Religion (Moscow : Foreign Lang. Publ. , 1955) , 145頁 “The social principles of Christianity justified the slavery of Antiquity glorified the serfdom of the Middle Ages and equally know when necessary , how to defend the oppression of the proletariat, although they make a pitiful face over it.”
103頁? “… the conservative Catholic camp, embraced all elements interested in maintaining the existing conditions.”
- Marx, Kritik der Hegelschen Rechtsphilosophie, Einleitung. Thesen uber Fuerbach, IV, VI and VII Capital, vol. 1, 51ff頁
Engels, Anti-Duhring (1878) , 344-46頁
Engels, Ludwig Feuerbach (1878) , 33-36頁
Engels, Dialectics of Nature (1882) , 176-78頁
Lenin I. , The Attitude of The Worker’s Party Towards Religion (1909) , in Selected Works, vol. XI, 666ff. 頁
Lenin I. , “Socialism and Religion” (1905) , id. , 658-662頁
- Lauer Quentin, “The Atheism of Karl Marx”, id. , 53頁
- 參閱陳文團著??? “Marx’s Understanding of Morality”, 121-228頁 esp. 177頁
- Weger, 37頁 “man’s openness”
參閱Andrew Tallon, “Connaturality in Aquinas and Rahner”, A contribution to the Heart Tradition, in Philosophy Today, (Summer 1984) , 138-147頁
或參閱另一篇文章 “Karl Rahner, The Philosopher (1904-1984) , 102頁
Karl Rahner, TI, XIII, 66頁
- ST IV, TI VI, “Ideology and Christianity”, 43-58頁
- 參閱Werner Post “Ideology”, in Sacramentum Mundi, vol. III ed. Karl Rahner, 94-97頁
和Mostafa Rejai, “Ideology”, in Dictionary of The History of Ideas, vol. II, Ed. Philip P. Wiener (Newyork, 1964) , 552-55頁
- Marx-Engels, The German Ideology (1846) , p. 42ff. Engels, Letter to F. Mehring (1893) : “Ideology is a process accomplished by the so-called thinker consciously indeed, but with a false consciousness.”
- Lenin, I., The Teachings of Karl Marx (1914) , 16頁
- 參閱Lukacs G., History and Class Consciousness (Cambridge : MIT, 1979 6), pref. to the new edition (1967) xxv. Ernst Bloch, Geist der Utopie (1918) , in E. Bloch, Gesamtausgabe, vol. 3 (Surkamp, Frankfurt (1964)
- Adorno Th. W. , Jargon der Eigentlichkeit, Zur deutschen Ideologie (Frankfurt : Surkamp, 1964) .
- T I. , VI 43頁
- 同上 , 44頁。
- 同上
- 同上
- 同上 , 45頁。
- 拉內把馬克斯對於宗教的批判歸成四個重點。
- 同上 , 49頁
- Weger, 185頁
- Engels, “On the History of Early Christianity”, op. cit. , “Both Christianity and the Worker’s socialism preach forthcoming salvation from bondage and misery …”
- Hans Kung, Existiert Gott? (Munchen : Piper, 1978) , 291頁
和Franz Gregoire, Aux Sources de la pensee de Karl Marx (Louvain, 1947) , 176頁
37.? Hegel F. W. , Phenomenologie des Geistes (1807) , in Hegel’s Werke, eds. Moldenhauer and Michel (Frankfurt, 1970) , vol. 3.
和Philosophie der Geschichte, vol. 12.
- Popper K. , The Poverty of Historicism, 前言3與5頁
- Popper K. , The Open Society and Its Enemies (London, 1950) , 21ff. , 223與274頁
- ? Popper, The Poverty of Historicism, 5與35頁
- Alfred Schmidt, The Concept of Nature in Marx (Der Begriff der Natur in der Lehre von Marx) (Europaische verlagsanstalt, 1962) .參閱陳文團著"Marx's Understanding of Morality".172與177頁
- ? Henri Lefebre, Problemes actuels du Marxisme (Paris : PUF, 1958) , 27與30頁
- On Religion, 41-42頁
- 42頁 “Thus the criticism of heaven turns into the criticism of the earth, the criticism of religion into the criticism of right, and the criticism of theology into the criticism of politics.”
- Rahner, TI, VI, 60頁
- Nietzsche, Der Wille zur Macht, in Kritische Gesamtausgabe, ed. Colli-Montinari (Berlin : De Gruypter, 1967 ff.) , vol. VIII.
- Ernst Bloch, Das Prinzip Hoffnung (Frankfurt : Surkamp, 1969) , 1404頁
- E. Bloch, Atheismus im Christentum (Frankfurt : Surkamp, 1968) , 118ff. 頁139頁
- On Religion, 72-69頁
Thesen uber Feuerbach, 1與11論題
- Bloch, Das Prinzip Hoffnung, 82頁 “Hope is the most human of all emotions and only men can experience it; It is related to the broadest and most luminous horizon.” 參閱J. Moltmann, “Die kategorie Novum in der Christlichen Theologie”, 在E. Bloch zu ehren, ed. S. Unseld (Frankfurt : Surkamp, 1965) .
- Weger, 35頁
- 同上 , 37ff. 頁
- Rahner, GW, 42頁
- Rahner, HW, 41頁
- 參閱Karl Lehmann, “Transcendence”, 在Sacramentum Mundi, ed. Rahner (Munchen, 1970) , 275-281頁
- Muck, The Transcendental method, pp. 184-204對於先驗的方法和辯證法之間的關係。150-152頁
- 參閱Habermas J.m Technik und Wissenschaft as “Ideologie” (Frankfurt : Surkamp, 1968) , 48ff. 頁
- Heidegger Martin, Was ist Metaphysik? (Frankfurt : Klostermann, 1975)
- K. O. Apel, Transformation der Philosophie, (Frankfurt : Surkamp, 1973) , vol. 1, 前言
- 參閱Ferdinand Reisinger, Der Tod im Marxisten Denken heute (Munchen : Grunerwald, 1977) , 第二和第三章 “Die Aussage uber den Tod in Werk von Karl Marx” 77-88頁
- Lehmann K. , “Transcendence”, 275頁
- Rahner, GW, 42頁
- Muck, 175頁與118頁
- Thomas Aquinas’ Five ways
Weger, 58頁
- Kant I. , Kritik der Reinen Vernunft (Hamburg : Meiner, 1971) , 150頁
- 同上。對於超驗transcendent, 352, 313, 384 …. uber die Grenze molicher Erfahrung hinausgehend.” 先驗 (Transcendental) 是一種先天獨立的知識 ; 150, 187etc.
先天 (A priori) 乃是獨立、與生俱來的知識 3, 5 Vorrede, xxiii, or 24
- Weger, 49-50頁
- Muck, 196頁
- Weger, 49頁
- Muck, 196與197頁
- Rahner, TI, VI, 67與68頁
Weger, p. 73ff. 對於 “Evolution and Transcendence”
- Habermas J.m Theory of Communicative Action, 譯者McCarthy (Boston : Beacon Press, 1984) .
- Martin Heidegger, Sein und Zeit (1927) (Tubingen : Niemeyer, 1972 12) .
“Mitsein” 與 “In-der-Welt-Sein” 的概念在第二與第四章中) on “Sein zum Tode”, 第二部分第一章
- 參閱Heidegger M. , Nietzsche (Pfullingen : Neske, 1962)
參閱陳文團著Nihilisme de Nietzsche. Essai sur la Metaphysique nietzscheenne, (Innsbruck, 1975)
- 參閱John D. Caputo, Heidegger and Aquinas. An Essay on Overcoming Metaphysics (New York : Fordham University Press, 1982) , esp. 278