- Thomas Dubay offers one answer in What is Religious Life? Questions Religious are Asking(Denville, N.J.: Dimension Books, 1979), pp. 32-34. See C. Maloney,“Evangelization and Social Change,”Religious and the Evangelization of the World, Donum Dei Series, no. 21(Ottawa: Publications of the Canadian Religious Conference, 1974), p. 63. See also B. Boyce, C. SS. R., “A Sociological Appraisal of the New Trends,” New Trends in Religious Life, Donum Dei Series, no. 14(1969), p. 135.
- Thadd?e Matura, O.F.M., The Crisis of Religious Life(Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1974).
- Karl Rahner, S.J.著,胡國楨譯,「梵二基本神學思想的詮譯」,神學論集50五四O~五四一。
- 若望廿三世,慈母與導師通諭。「現代,74號」,梵蒂岡第二屆大公會議文獻(臺北,中國主教團秘書處出版)二九三。
- 耶穌會會憲,第四章十節5號;Claretian Constitutions(1863), I, no 31.
- Viatorians(1979), no. 52; de La Salle(1976), no. 140. 1; Precious Blood Sisters, O’Fallon, p. 54; Combonians(1979), no. 103; Christian Brothers,(E. Rice), no. 247.
- Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, no. 26; Marianists, Rule of Life(1981), no. 39; Stigmatines(1977), no. 17. See especially Sisters of Mercy, Covenant, Fellowship and Total Growth, pp. F 4-5; Combonians, no. 42.
- 這項意見成為許多修會修訂會憲中有關聖愿部份的背景思想。
- St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, 2-2, q. 184a 3; q. 188a 2; St. Bonaventure, Apologia Pauperum, ch. 3, no. 3.「教會,44號」,梵二文獻,七七~七八。
- 在新的修會會憲中,每人有不同神恩的主題時常出現。See Sisters of St. Joseph, Core Constitutions, no. 38; Combonians, Rule of Life, nos. 38. 1, 42; de La Salle(1976), p. 36; B.V.M., no. 3; Marists(1968), no. 51; Stigmatines(1977), no. 17; St. Joseph of Peace(1981), p. 6; Ursulines of Belleville(1982), no. 33; Sinsinawa Dominicans, no. 10.
- Cited in Paulist Provisional Constitutions(1970), no. 9.
- Society of the Precious Blood, no. 39; Sisters of Mercy, Core Constitutions, p. 27;耶穌會第卅一屆大會法令(以下簡稱「耶穌會卅一」),十七法令,7號(臺北,耶穌會中華省會長辦事處,一九六七) 一一一。
- Quentin Hakenewerth, S.M.,“Illustrations of Fundamental Choices and Their Consequences,” Religious Life Tomorrow, Donum Dei Series, no. 24(1978), p. 187.
- Claretians, no. 102 ff.; Piarists, no. 131 ff.; Combonians, no. 105 ff.; School Sistere of Notre Dame, II, no. 8 ff.; Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, no. 25 ff.; Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, no. 138 ff.
- Scalabrinians. no. 10; Society of Mary, no. 34 ff.; Society of the Precious Blood. no. 6 ff.
- Evangelical Testificatio 40號。
- 14號,梵二文獻,四四三。
- 在許多新修改的會憲中,在這項主題上所用的詞彙,以及它的動向,顯示出一種新的敏感。如果把這些會憲與梵二的修會生活革新法令相比較,會發現後者只打開了一扇門。只有少數的會憲決定留在該法令所設定的限制之內。
- 「耶穌會卅一」,十七法令,一O八~一二二。
- 修會,3號,梵二文獻,四三五。
- J. Doyle, B.V.M.,“Choose Life,”Religious Life Tomorrow, Donum Dei Series, no. 24(1978), pp. 28-31.
- See M. Linscott,“The Religious Woman in the Church,“Way Supplement 19(1973), pp. 45-62.
- 44號,梵二文獻,七七。
- 同上註,七七~七八。
- Hakenewerth, art. cit., p. 186.
- “Normae secundum quas S. Congregatio Episcoporum et Regularium procedere solet in approbandis novis Institutis votorum simplicium.”Published by Ladislaus Ravasi, C.P. in De Regulis et Constitutionibus Religiosorum(Roma: Desclee, 1958), pp. 188 ff. To be excluded from the constitutions: quotations from the Holy Scriptures, Councils and Fathers....(n. 27), ascetic instructions, spiritual exhortations, mystical considerations(no. 33).
- 耶穌會第卅二屆大會法令(以下簡稱耶穌會卅二)四法令,9~10號(臺北,耶穌會中華省會長辦事處。一九七六),一八。
- 同上註,72號,四一。
- Scanning the bibliography on discernment during the last 15 years(published by the Religious Formation Conference), I have counted 11 articles in Review for Religious, 11 in Way Supplement, 3 in Sisters Today, and 2 each in The Way and Spiritual Life.(編者按:神論對分辨神類的主題共發表過十三篇文章,鐸聲也發表過一篇)。
- Saint Francis of Assisi, Rule 1221, Foreword and ch. 19; Rule 1223, ch. 1; ch. 9; Testament. See Writings and Early Biographies(Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1973), pp. 31, 46, 57, 63, 67.
- 聖依納爵•羅耀拉,「為能在戰爭的教會內,懷?正確思想,」第一條規則。侯景文譯,神操——通俗譯本(臺中,光啟出版社,民六八章)一六四。
- See Avery Dulles, S.J., Models of the Church(Garden City, NY, Doubleday, 1974).
- Cardinal Suenen's The Nun in the World(Westminster: The Newman Press, 1963), an invitation to the renewal of women's religious life issued during the Council, started with a chapter on the world, followed by a chapter on women and their emancipation. The book was highly successful in its time.
- See Martin Kirk, C.M.F., “The Spirituality of Isaac Thomas Hecker: Reconciling the American Character and the Catholic Faith”(doctoral dissertation, Saint Louis University, 1980).
- See Gustave Thils, Theologie des Realites Terrestres(Bruges: de Brouwer, 1946). Anepochmaking book. By the same author: Christian Attitudes(Chicago: Scepper, 1959), 96 pp.
- The Secular Journal, April 7, 1941,(New York: Noonday, 1977), p. 183.
- Seeds of Contemplation(Norfolk: New Directions, 1949), pp. 20-23; 60-61.
- Texts from the Inner Experience published by William H. Shannon, Thomas Merton’s Dark Path, The Inner Experience of a Contemplative(New York: Farrar- Straus- Giroux, 1981), pp. 136-141.
- Ibid., p. 131.
- Ibid., p. 124.
- New Seeds of Contemplation(New York: New Directions, 1974), pp. 52-63.
- Saint Teresa of Jesus, Way of Perfection, 1, 2; 3, 1; 大德蘭著,趙雅博譯,七寶樓臺(臺中,光啟出版社,一九七五、八)。
- M.-D. Chenu, O.P., Nature, Man and Society in the Twelfth Century(University of Chicago Press, 1968).
- See John M. Lozano, C.M.F., Discipleship: Towards an Understanding of the Religious Life(Chicago: Claret Center for Resources in Spirituality, 1980), pp. 49-53.
- Sacrum Commercium, no. 63, St. Francis of Assisi: Omnibus of Sources(Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1973), p. 1593.
- John F. Kavanaugh, S. J., has given particular attention to this theme in his Following Christ in a Consumer Society(Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 1981), pp. 131-142.
- 在 the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary 會憲的第一章中含有表達了這種新態度很有意義的一段話:「因為我們同時參與不同的團體——世界團體,基督信仰的團體,整個修會和地區的團體——每位修女按自己的神恩和環境對這些不同團體有所貢獻,是她的責任,也是她的特權。」(3號)。
- See Lozano, op. cit., pp. 142-170.
- Marc Oraison, The Celibate Condition and Sex(New York: Sheed and Ward, 1967). See D. Goergen, The Sexual Celibate(New York: Seabury, 1975); K. Clarke, O.F.M. Cap., An Experience of Celibacy(Notre Dame, IN: Ave Maria, 1982).
- 在最近各雜誌上發表有關討論男女會士與異性之間友誼文章的數目是具有意義的。在「今日修女」(Sister Today)上M, Neuman, O. S. B. 發表了二篇文章(編者按:這兩篇文章被譯為中文在神論54上發表),J, Becker發表了一篇。在「會士評論」(Review for Religious)上,我找到四篇:C. Kiesling(July, 1971), T. Dubay,(November, 1977), B. O’Leary(March, 1980). a V. Peter(March-April 1982),甘易逢神父也在 Way Supplement 第十九冊發表了一篇文章(編者按:此本在神論26也已發表)。
- 有些會憲及補充的文件現在也以積極的態度談到一般的友誼與守貞之間的關係:Marianists, Rule of Life, II, no. 2.4; Piarists, no. 57; Sisters of Charity of the B. V. M., no. 33; Sinsinawa Dominicans, no. 13; Sisters of Saint Joseph of Lagrange, Working Document(1979), no. 42.有些段落討論守貞與和基督友誼之間的關係:「耶穌會卅一」十六法令,8號,一OO~一O一;Combonians, no. 26. 1. 或者它們談論友誼是守貞的果實:「耶穌會卅一」十六法令,6號,九八;Brothers of the Christian Schools, 5d.或者它們視友誼為守貞的一種保護:「耶穌會卅一」,同上。其他有些會憲只談到在自己修會團體內之友誼:Stigmatines(1982), no. 15; Holy Cross(men), no. 65; Scalabrinians, no. 80.
- See A. Cussianovich, S.D.B., Religious Life and the Poor(Maryknoll: Orbis Books, 1979).
- Evangelica Testificatio,17號;禮儀憲章98,101號梵二文獻。
- See Lozano, op. cit., “Poverty and the Kenosis of Christ,” pp. 191-192.
- 「禮儀憲章」,98、101號(一九六三年十二月四日頒佈),梵二文獻,一八O及一八二,在一八二頁上譯為會士或修女。
- On this theme, see T. Matura, O.F.M., op. cit., pp. 72-78.
本文譯自:John M. Lozano, C.M.F., “Trends in Religious Life Today,” Review for Religious 42(1983), 481-505. |