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天國與正義社會的關係--顧氏(Gustavo Gutierrez) 的理解




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BOFF C.. Theology and Praxis, Epistemological Foundation (Maryknoll. NY : Orbis 1987).

BROWN R.A., Guslavo Gutierrez, An Introdution to Liberation Theology (Maryknoll. NY : Orbis 1990).

CHOPP R.S., The Praxis of Suffering, An Interpretation of Liberation and Political Theologies (Maryknoll, NY : Orbis 1986).

DORR D., Spirituality and Justice (Maryknoll, NY : Orbis 1984).

EDWARDS D., What are They Saying about Salvation (New York : Paulist Press 1986).

FERM D.W., Third World Liberation Theologies, An Introductory Survey (Maryknoll. NY : Orbis 1988).

GUTIERREZ G., A Theology of Liberation, History, Politics and Salvation (Maryknoll. NY : Orbis 1973).

--"Liberation Theology and Proclamation", Concilium 1974 Vol.6, No. 10.

--The Power of The Poor in History (Maryknoll, NY : Orbis 1983).

--We Drink From Our Own Well, The Spiritual Journey of A People (Maryknoll, NY : Orbis 1984).

-- On Job, God-Talk and the Suffering of the Innocent (Maryknoll, NY : Orbis 1987).

-- The Truth Shall Make You Free (Maryknoll, NY : Orbis 1990).

LANE D.A., Foundations for a Social Theology, Praxis, Process and Salvation (Dublin, Gill and MacMillan 1984).

MACRIDIS R.C.. Contemporary Political Ideologies, Movements and Regimes (Scott, Foresman and Company 1989).

MARCUSE H., Negations, Essays in Critical Theory (London : Free Association Books 1988).

McGOVERN A.F., Liberation Theology and Its Critics, Toward An Assessment (Maryknoll. NY : Orbis 1989).

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MORENO F., Moral Theology from the Poor, Moral Challenges of The Theology of Liberation (Quezon City, Philippines: Claretian Publications 1988).

RICHARD P., "Liberation Theology: A Difficult but Possible Future." The Future of Liberation Theology ed. by Marc H. Ellis & O. Maduro (Maryknoll. NY : Orbis 1989).

PIERIS A., S.J., An Asian Theology of Liberation (Maryknoll, NY : Orbis 1988).

RAHNER K., S.J., Foundations of Christian Faith (New York : Crossroad Publishing Company 1978).

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Theological Investigation Vol.5.

--The Christian Commitment (New York : Sheed & Ward 1963).

--The Shape Of The Church To Come (New York : A Crossroad Book. The Seabury Press 1974).

RICOEUR P., History and Truth transl. by Charles A. Kelbley (Evanston : Northwestern University Press 1965).

Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith : "Instruction on Certain Aspects of the Theology of Liberation." Liberation Theology A Documentary History ed. by Hennelly A.T. (Maryknoll, NY : Orbis 1990) 393-414.

Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith : "Instruction on Christian Freedom and Liberation." Liberation Theology : A Documentary History ed. by Hennelly AT. (Maiyknoll, NY : Orbis 1990) 461-447.

馬克思,"關于費爾巴哈的提綱"《馬克思恩格期選集》第一卷,人民出版社 1975.




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