- 參閱J.Foster, The Church of the T'ang Dynasty, London, 1939。有關本文所用”Syriac”一詞,該字原指「敘利亞語」,但在這裡似用作「敘利亞的」較佳,因為它通常是指西敘利亞和希臘特徵佔優勢的教會。
- 摘要和書目,參閱R. Murray, Symbols of Church and Kingdom, Cambridge.1975﹙以後簡稱SCK﹚的緒言,亦參閱B.M. Metzger, The Early versions of the New Testamnent, Oxford, 1977﹙以後簡稱EVNT﹚,pp. 3-10。
- 參閱Murray, SCK, p.9,和那裡的文章。
- I. Hausherr in Dict. de spip. I (1932), 746-52; A:
ant. u. chr. 3.(1960), pp. 152-55.有很好的文章。
- 參閱J.Neusner, Aphrahat and Judasism (Studia Post-Biblica 19 ) , Leiden, 1971, pp. 144-49.
- 參閱Murray, SCK, pp. 8-9.
- 參閱Murray, SCK, p. 10; M. McNamara, Targum and Testament, Shannon, 1972, pp. 66-68.
- 參閱Metzger, Evnt,pp. 10-36(四福音合編)pp. 36-48(古敘利亞福音)。
- 參閱Metzger, Evnt,pp. 29,35.
- 參閱Murray, SCK, pp. 12-17,詳細情形請參閱Murray, “The Exhortation to Candidates for Ascetical. Vows at Baptism in the Ancient Syriac Church, N.T. Studies 21 (1974-75), 59-80和其中的文章。
- 參閱Murray SCK, pp. 28和其中的文章,尤其是A. Guillaumont(見下面註十七)。
- 參閱Murray, SCK, pp. 28.
- 參閱Murray, SCK, pp35,36.
- 參閱G. Vermes, The dead Sea Scrolls: Qumran in Perspective, London, 1977, pp. 87-115.
- 參閱Murray, SCK, pp. 17和那其中的文章。
- 參閱G. Couilleau, ‘L“Alliance”aux Origines du Monachisme Egyptien’, Collectanea Cisterciensia(1977), 170-93.
- 參閱A. Guillaumont, ‘le
Comme Forme Dans le Monachisme Ancient Ann. De des Hautes Etudes, Sect. sc. rel.Lxxvi (1968-69), 50.
- 參閱Metzger, Evnt,pp. 34-35.
- 參閱G. Widengren,Mani and Manichaeism,London, 1965; P. Brown,“The diffusion of Manichaeism in the Roman Empire”, Jrs Lix (1969), pp. 92-103.
- 參閱P. Brown, “The Rise and Function of the Holy man in Late Antiquity” Jrs Lxi(1971), 80-101.
- 參閱Murray, SCK, pp. 159ff.
- 德文原文,1934;英文譯自第二版﹙1964﹚。此外還有第三版(London, 1972)。參閱Murray, SCK, pp.4ff.
- 參閱R Murray, “The Theory of Symbolism in St. Ephrem's Theology”, Parole de L’Orient, VI-VII(1975-1976), 1-20.
- 參閱Murray, SCK, pp. 143-4, 312-20.
- 同上pp.319-20.
- 同上pp. 113-30, 254-62, 306-10, 320-24.
- 同上pp. 159f; Enuma Elish, Tablet VII, TR. in Pritchard,
, Princeton, 1969, pp. 70-72.
- 參閱Murray, SCK, pp. 338-40; 更詳細的,參閱Murray, ‘The Syriac Contest-Poem and its Connexions”, Annual of the Leeds Univ. or. Soc.(1979).
- 參閱Murray, SCK, pp. 158, 344-46.s
- 參閱G. Messina, Cristianesimo, Buddhismo, Manicheismo nell' Asia Antica, Roma, 1947 pp. 65ff; Metzger, Evnt, pp. 279-91.