- Cf Avery Dulles, The Resilient Church (New York, 1977).
- Cf Vinson Synan, The Holiness-Pentecostal movement in the United States (Grand Rapids, Mich., 1971), pp. 214-15.
- Ibid., P. 223.
- Cf Henry P. Van Dusen,‘The Third Force’, in Life (9 June 1958), pp 124-4.
- Cf Kilian McDonnell, Charismatic Renewal and the Churches (New York 1976). pp 41-78.
- Encyclical Letter, Divinum Illud (4 May 1897).
- Dulles, op. cit., pp 14-15表示小團體運動有分化的影響,在神恩復興運動也有同樣的顯示;不過,對教會重新效忠的證據更佔優勢。
- McDonnell, ibid.
- Ibid., pp 20-31.
- Ibid., pp 32.
- Ibid., P 33.
- Ibid., pp 37-38.
- Ibid., pp 79-109. Cutten (1927)及Boisen (1936, 1939, 1945) 提出第一種解釋,Kildahl (1972) 是第二種解釋的主要代表,Felicitas Goodman (University of Chicago, 1972) 為第三種解釋辯護。
- Ibid., esp pp 90-93.
- Ibid., pp 107-09; 130-8
- Ibid., pp 147.
- James Dunn, Jesus and the Spirit (Philadelphia, 197) 為此點辯護 (eg. on pp 42-43), as does C. K. Barrett, The Holy Spirit and the Gospel Tradition (London, 1947), esp. pp. 25-45.
- See Barret, op cit., pp. 26-39.
- See Dunn, op. cit., chs 2, 3 & 4,他們認為對耶穌的信仰經驗,就是一種對聖神的經驗。
- Jesus the Christ (New York, 1976), p 249.
- James D. G. Dunn, Baptism in the Holy Spirit (London, 1970), pp 223.
- E. g., Hans
, “The Charismatic Structure of the Church’, in Concilium 4, pp 41-62.
- Cf George T. Montague S. M., The Holy Spirit: Growth of a Biblical Tradition (New York, 1976), pp 218.
- Cf Eugene A.
s.s.s. and William G. Thompson S.J., “New Testament Communities in Transition: a Study of Matthew and Luke’, in Theological Studies, 37 (December 1976), pp 571-74; also Montague, op. cit., pp 302-10.
- See Montague, op. cit., pp 303.
- Cf
and Thompson, op. cit., esp pp 475-6.
- See Montague's interpretation, pp 237-52.
- Ibid., pp 247.
- Ibid., pp 252.
- I bid., pp 333-65在此處並不嘗試肯定若望福音和書信出於一人之手,而視之為同一學派的作品,已足夠了。
- Brown以為若望福音中的「更大」是指工作具有「末世的特性」。他們的使命就是「使人分享耶穌的生命(結果實:十五16)」。參看The Gospel according to John (New York, 1970, vol 2, pp 633.
- See his“Mutation Religieuse et Renouvellement
’, in Revue de Louvain, 4 (1973), pp 296-97. Quoted in Suenens, A New Pentecost ? (New York, 1975), pp 27.
- Morton Kelsey, in Healing and Christianity (New York, 1973), pp 184-85追溯聖奧斯定對此事的早期意見,他以為如舌音及治癒等特別神恩只是為早期教會,而合一的神恩是為他當時的教會。奧斯定在發現了當時發生的七十次治癒事件之後,改變了他的看法,他的早期意見卻影響了教會的傳承。
- Cf J. D. Zizioulas, “The Pneumatological Dimension of the Church’, in Communio, I (1974), pp 142-58, esp pp 143.
- Kasper, op. cit., pp 251, 253.
- Zizioulas, op. cit., pp 145.
- Cf The Second Council of Lyons A. D. 1274)—Denzinger
, 850; and the Council of Florence (A. D. 1439) ibid., 1300. 東方和西方對,filioque(與子一同)的爭辯,使人清楚地看出此一區別Cf Edmund J. Fortman, The Triune God (Philadelphia, 1972), pp 93-95, 224-30, 275-83因為這一辯論之重點在於天主與其行動之合一,對天主位格性的自我給予更深的了解,並視之為天主之本性,可能有助使雙方都感到滿足。
- 路德對天主父受苦之吊,神學(Paradoxical theology)最近受到許多神學家的注意(見von Balthasar, H.
, J. Moltmun, E. , etc)如願知其更深的發展和參考資料,請參看Trinitarian Love as Ground of the Church’, in Theological Studies, 37 (1976), pp 652-79, esp pp 658, note 22.
- Ibid., pp 658-60.
- Cf R. Brown, “The Meaning of Modern New Testament Studies for an Ecumenical Understanding of Mary’ in Crisis Facing the Church (New York, 1975), pp 84-108.
- 「熙雍的女子」是舊約常見的主題 (cf Eph3, 14; Zach. 2, 10, Isaibz II, etc. Maz Thurian, in Mary: Mother of the Lord, Figure of the Church (London, 1963) 用相當的篇幅,註釋路加福音有關經文。
- Cf Thurian, op. cit., ch 9,“Mary and the Church’.
- Ibid., pp 159-66. Brown在此處基本上同意Thurian之觀點。
- Cf H.
,“New Trends in Mariology” in Theology Digest, 24 (1976), pp 286-92.
- CfG. Montague, op. cit., pp 248.
- CfR. Sears,“Trinitarian Love”對此意見之發揮。
- Ibid., pp 668. Also, Robert T. Sears S.J.,“The Ministry of Healing”, in Emmanuel, 84 (1978), pp 234-43, 提供更多有關治癒的參考資料。
- Cf Suenens, A New Pentecost ? pp 9-13.