- Lothar Lies SJ: “ eine transzendentale Analyse der Erfahrung. Analyse, weil unser Fragen die Erfahrungen zerlegt, also
etwas Empirisches betrachtet; transzendental, weil sie die empirische Ebene nach den nicht mehr in sich erfahrbaren Bedingungen ihrer hinterfragt und so die Erfahrung ”, in “Unterscheiden im Ignatianischen Exerzitien-prozess. Ein Beitrag zu einer Theologie der Gnadenerfahrung”, ZKT 99 (1977, 2) 159. “Spiritus est quaedam interior animae propensio. Si est ad bonum, erit spiritus bonus in illo genere; si ad malum, erit spiritus malus”(Godinez) in Malatesta et al. Discernment of Spirits, Collegeville, Minn. USA 1970, p. 106.
- 高士傑:「辨別神類簡史」,神學論集42.,頁四八八。
- “If discernment may claim any conceptural unity, it is that of an habitual self-effacement in order to hear the interior voice of the Spirit. We shall see that this is an attitude implying a true experience. It is definitely easier for a teacher to appeal to experience and to cultivate an attitude, even a spiritual one, than to work methodically to develop a many-sided prudence. Might this not be one of the reasons why Alvarez de Paz, Bona, Scaramelli and others, a long time after St. Thomas, wrote their treatises on discernment of spirits?” Malatesta et al. Discernment of Spirits, p. 109-110.
- Experience and experimentation. “Here experimentation is dangerous, since it applies liberty to something secondary by diverting it from what is essential; it is illusory, since it leads to considering induced psychological states as divine communications; it shows disrespect to God since it belongs to God alone to make himself perceived when he wills in the measure that it aims to incite feeling as such, this experimenting has no place in the setting of Christian experience” (J. Mouroux), op. cit. p. 111.
- 羅光:中國哲學思想史(一),頁三四八。
- 房志榮:創世紀研究,頁一○五至一五二。
- 同上,頁廿五。
- 羅光:中國哲學思想史(一),頁三二至三五。
- 戴君仁:談易,民五九年,二版,臺灣開明書店,頁二三至二四。
- 吳經熊:「中國文化發展的方向」,中央月刊,四卷五期,頁廿一。
- J. A. Lefeuvre SJ: “An Oracle Bone in the Hong Kong Museum of History and the Shang Standard of the Centre”, Journal of the Hong Kong Archaeological Society, VolVII, 1976-1978, pp. 46-48.
- 羅光前著,頁二九八至二九九。君子、小人之分只能當作社會分析的一個現象,我們基督徒不可視任何具體的人為小人,因為耶穌及教會的使命是把每人心中都有的小人因素煉淨,而使人人成為君子。
- 羅光前著,頁三○○。
- 范壽康:朱子及其哲學,民五三年,臺灣開明書店,頁二六五至二六九:朱子與鵝湖之會。筆者以下當一次文抄公,由本書抄下很多資料。
- 高士傑:「聖經中的辨別神類」,神學論集42.,頁四七七至四八三。
- Paul Leveau SJ: “Lediscernement spirituel. Orientations doctrinales et pastorals” Bonne Nouvelle, Revue du Renouveau Charismatique, Mai-Aout 1979, pp. 4-10.
- 以上資料見房志榮:保祿使徒的生活、書信及神學(輔大神學叢書之五),臺中光啟,民六十三年。
- 如日課經一月廿八日聖多瑪斯紀念日的第二篇誦讀,聖人關於信天主的演講:任何德表絕離不開十字架。又如常年期第四週,週四的第二篇誦讀,耶路撒冷濟利祿的教理講授:即便在受迫害時,十字架仍該是你的喜樂。
- Lothar Lies: Indifferenz als Gnadenerfahrung, die Ausrichtung auf Gott als Gnadenerfahrung, Erfahrung des Willens Gottes, die Christusbegegnungen. op. cit.
- John Carroll Futrell SJ: Ignatian Discernment, Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits. April 1970.
- Luigi M. Rulla SJ: “The Discernment of Spirits and Christian Anthropology” Gregorianum 59 (1978) 537-569.
- A.
: “Sentido plenior, literal, tipico, espiritual”, Biblica 34, 1953, 299-326. E.F. Sutcliffe: “The Plenary Sense as a Principle of Interpretation”, ibid. 333-343. J. Schmid: “Die alttestam-entlichen Zitate bei Paulus und die Theorie vom Sensus plenior”, Biblische Zeitschrift, N. F. 3, 1959, 161-173. P. Benoit: “La de sens des Livres Saints” Revue Biblique 67, 1960, 151-196.
- 房志榮:「在華人中談釋經學」,神學論集40.頁二五二至二五三。
- 同上,頁二五四至二五五。
- 「中國神學探討會簡報」:六:釋經學在中國神學中的地位,神學論集40.頁二二八至二二九。
- Eugen Drewermann: Strukturen des
. Bd. 1: Die jahwistische Urgeschichte in exegetischer Sicht; Bd. 2: Die jahwistische Urgeschichte in psychoanalytischer Sicht; Bd. 3: Die jahwistische Urgeschichte in philosophischer Sicht, 1977 bis 1978. LXIV, 354 S.;XXXIV, 679 S.; LXVIII, 656 S. Kart. 44,-; 68,-; 68,-. Vgl. Stimmen der Zeit 1980, Umschau: Biblische Urgeschichte, S. 205-207.