- 參閱 U. Navarrete, "Foedus coniugale, amor, sacramentur, attenta doctrina Conc. Vat. II" in Acta Conventus Intern. Canonistarum, 20-25 maii 1968, Romae, (Romae: Vaticana 1970) 645-673; or in De matrimonio coniectanea (Romae: P. U. G. 1970) 494-519, at 501-503; Diaz-Nava, "El matrimonio en la Const. Pastoral sobre la Iglesia en el mundo actual", in Sal Terrae, 1966, 3-46, at 25.
- 參閱 O. Robleda, "Causa efficiens matrimonii iuxta Const. 'Gaudium et Spes' Conc. Vat. II" in Periodica, 55 (1966) 354-380.
- Piux XI, "Casti Connubii" in AAS 22 (1930) 583; J. McClorry, "Towards Understanding Marriage as a Sacrament" in Bulletin (Lodon, Catholic Marriage Advisory Council) April 1972, 8-10.
- 參閱 K. Rahner, The Church and the Sacraments (Herder & Herder 1963); Id., "Sacramental and Personal Piety" in Theology Digest, 1955, 93-98; E. Schillebeeckx, Christ, the Sacrament of the Encounter with God (New York 1963); Id., "The Sacraments: An Encounter with God" in J. Feiner (ed.), Theology Today, I (Milwaukee 1965) 194-221; P. De Letter, "Sanctifying Grace and the Divine Indwelling" in Theology Studies, 14 (1953) 242-73.
- K. Rahner "Marriage" in Leading a Christian Life (Denville, New Jersey: Dimension 1970) 5-6.
- D. F. O'Callaghan, "Christian Marriage: The Evolving Situation" in J. Marshall (ed.), The Future of Christian Marriage (London: Geoffrey Chapman 1969) 11-22, at 20.
- K. Rahner, "Marriage as a Sacrament" in Theology Digest, 17 (1969) 4-8, at 7.
- M. J. Scheeben, The Mysteries of Christianity, Trans. by C. Vollert (London 1947) 601-603.
- Paul VI, "Allocution aux 'Equipes Notre-Dame'" 4 mai 1970, in La Doc. Cath., 7 Juin 1970, 502-506, at 504; 中譯本,「婚姻、性、愛」,聞道出版社,民六十年,十七頁。
- 喜樂與希望憲章草案,Textus denuo recognitus necnon expensio modorum (Nov. 15, 1965) 第二部,十二至十三頁。
- U. Navarrete, "Structura inuridica matrimonii secundum Conc. Vat. II" in Periodica 56 (1967) 368-369.
- 同註十,十三頁。
- Piux XI, "Casti Connubii", in AAS 30 (1930) 548-549; L. Lochet, "Les fins du mariage" in NRTh 73 (1951) 449-465, 561-586.
- Patrick G. D. Riley, "The Wholeness of Marriage" in Homiletic Past. Review (1968) 649-657, 747-756, at 650.
- D. von Hildebrand, "Marriage and Overpopulation" in Thought 36 (1961) 81-100, at 92-96; B. Haring, Marriage in the Modern World (Cork: Mercier 1965) 306-308.
- J. de Baciocchi. "Structure sacramentaire du mariage" in NRTh, 74 (1952) 916-929, at 921, 926; cf G. Martelet, "Mariage, amour et sacrament" in NRTh, 1963, 577-597.
- J. Fuchs, "Theology of the Meaning of Marriage" in J. T. McHugh (Ed.), Marriage in the Light of Vatican II (Washington 1968) 13-30, or in De matrimonio coniectanea (Romae: P. U. G. 1970) 285-296, at 290-294.