附 註
經學教授房志榮神父催促,遂在百忙之中略加修改而刊登,以就正於海內同道。本文之主要參考書為: Domenico Grasso, Proclaiming God's Message, (Notre Dame, 1965) "Introduction :The Theological Problem of Preaching."pp. IX-XXXIII.
(註二):參閱:Z. Alszeghy and M. Flick "II problema teologico della predicazione, "Gregorianum 40 (1959), 671-744.
(註三):此處只提幾本:1. P. Duploye, Rhetorique et parole de Dieu (Paris,1955) pp. 9-49
2. J. Hamer, "La crise de la predication,"La Revue Nouvelle,29
3. M. Flick, "Reflessioni sulla crisi della Predicazione, La Civilta
Cattolica, III (1960), 225-234.
(註四):P. Duploye, Rhetorique et parole de Dieu (Paris, 1955) p. 47
(註五):L'Osservatore Romano, January, 1,1963
(註六):L. Fendt, Homiletik, Theologie und Thechnik der Predigt, (Berlin, 1949) p. 16
2. Time, 1962, March 16. 公佈了美國基督教會中知名人士所論有關宣道在美國所遭遇到的困難。
(註七):Moeller, "Theologie de la Parole et oecumenism", Irenikon 24(1951) 322.
(註八):關於宣道危機之原因的檢討可參閱:D. Grasso, Proclaiming God's Message, "Introduction, The theological problem of Preaching," pp. XIII-XVII. 及其註五所開列的書目。
(註九):Godin and Daniel, France, pays de Mission? (Paris, 1943)
(註十):Boulard, Problemes missionaires dela France rurale (Paris, 1945) , pp. 185-186
(註十一):Godin and Daniel, op. cit., p.60
(註十二):Baulard, Premiers itineraires en sociologie religieuse (Paris, 1954) ,p.48
(註十三):O.H. Dodd, The Apostolic Preaching and Its Development (London,1956)
(註十四):1. D. Grasso, "II Kerigma e la prelicazione, Gregoriamum 41 (1960), 424-425.
2. D. Grasso "Nuovi Apporti alla teologia della predicazione, "Gregorianum 44 (1963), pp.88-118.
(註十六):可參閱:La Maison-Dieu, No. 16 (1948); No. 39 (1954).
(註十七):Karl Barth, Dogmatizue, I. Vol. I, (Geneva, 1953),pp. 64-65
(註十八):H. Schlier, Wort Gottes, Eine Neutestamentliche Besinnung,Wurzburg,1958;
Die Verkundigung im Gottendienst der Kirche, Koln, 1953.
(註十九):O, Semmelroth, Das Geistliche Amt. Theologische Sinndeutung, Frankfurt, 1958.
Wirkendes Wort. Zur Theologie der Verkundigung, Frankfurt, 1961.
(註二十):例如:Max Scheler, Buber, Le Senne, Marcel, Nedencelle.
(註二十二):參閱:1. J. Guitton, The Problem of Jesus, New York, 1955
2. M. Buber, I and Thou, New York, 1958
3. R. Mehl, La Rencontre d'autrui, Neuchatel-Paris, 1955
4. Gusdorf, La Parole, Paris, 1956
(註二十三):參閱:Alszeghy and Flick, "II Problema teolgoico della Predicazione
"Gregorianum 40(1959), Supplement, 請特別注意書中所提到的那些使人
(註二十四):Keryamatic Theology :也譯為「宣道神學」,這指:為幫助人宣講聖道而編輯的神學。
(註二十五):J. A. Jungmann, Die Frohboschaft und unsere Glaubens Verkundigung,
Regeusburg, 1936 英節譯本:The Good News and Its Proclamation, New York,
(註二十六):J.A. Jungmann, "keryamatic theology" Handing on the Faith. New York, 1959,
pp. 398-450.
(註二十七):J. A. Jungmann, Die Frohbotschaft, p. 7.
(註二十八):J. A. Junguann, "Le Probleme du Message a transmettre ou le Probleme
Kerygmatic," Lumen Vitae, 5 (1950) 272.
(註二十九):J. A. Jungmann, Die Frohbotschaft, p. 53.
(註三十二):在這方面著名的人有:Frs. Hugo Rahner, Lotz, Dander.
(註三十三):參閱:Avelino, Predicaccion Viviente al dia, p. 378.
(註三十四):Shmaus, Katholische Dogmatik (Munich, 1962) Vol. II, Preface.
(註三十五):J. A. Jungmann, Handing on the Faith, p.401.
(註三十六):J. A. Jungmann, Die Frohbotschaft, p.VII.
(註三十七):K. Rahner etc. ed. Sacramentum mundi, An Encyclopedia of theology, Vol. V
(1970), "Preaching," 附有二書目,可供參考。