作者 | 題目 | 期刊 | 年份 |
Ticozzi, Sergio | Research on the Catholic Church in Mainland China:Trends and... | 鼎Tripod (124) |
2002 |
Ticozzi, Sergio | A glimpse at the faces of Christ in China today | 鼎Tripod (134) |
2004 |
Ticozzi, Sergio | Evangelization in the Chinese world | 鼎Tripod (101) |
1997 |
Ticozzi, Sergio | Old and new challenges for the Hong Kong catholic church | 鼎Tripod (097) |
1997 |
Ticozzi, Sergio | “New Socialist Culture”and new cultures in China | 鼎Tripod (094) |
1996 |
Ticozzi, Sergio | Building a spirtual civilization in China | 鼎Tripod (091) |
1996 |
Ticozzi, Sergio | Popular religion in China today | 鼎Tripod (085) |
1995 |
Ticozzi, Sergio | Political religious issues in China today | 鼎Tripod (088) |
1995 |
Ticozzi, Sergio | The young in China's families | 鼎Tripod (081) |
1994 |
Ticozzi, Sergio | China Church and News Update: December 2006 - Novermber 2007 | 鼎Tripod (147) |
2007 |
Ticozzi, Sergio | Estimated Statistics for China's Catholic Church (December 2007) | 鼎Tripod (147) |
2007 |
田英傑 Ticozzi, Sergio |
剛恆毅對中國教會本位化及本地化的貢獻 | 鼎Tripod (148) |
2008 |
田英傑 Ticozzi, Sergio |
Celso Costantini’s Contribution to the Localization and Inculturation | 鼎Tripod (148) |
2008 |
田英傑 Ticozzi, Sergio |
伊斯蘭教復興:維吾爾族在新疆的和平抗爭 | 鼎Tripod (149) |
2008 |
田英傑 Ticozzi, Sergio |
Muslim Revival : A “Peaceful Protest”of the Uygurs in XinJiang | 鼎Tripod (149) |
2008 |
Ticozzi, Sergio | Lou Tseng Tsiang (1871-1949) and Sino Vatican Diplomatic Relations | 鼎Tripod (152) |
2009 |
Ticozzi, Sergio |
China Church and news Update (December 2007 - December 2008) | 鼎Tripod (152) |
2009 |
Ticozzi, Sergio | From Ideological Uniformity to Today's Cultural Pluralism | 鼎Tripod (151) |
2008 |
Ticozzi, Sergio | The Offical End of the Chinese Rites Controversy | 鼎Tripod (155) |
2009 |
Ticozzi, Sergio | China Church and News Updated 2009 | 鼎Tripod (156) |
2010 |
Ticozzi, Sergio | Pope Leo XIII's Encyclical Rerum Novarum and Challenges for China | 鼎Tripod (160) |
2011 |
Ticozzi, Sergio | China Church and News Update | 鼎Tripod (160) |
2011 |
Ticozzi, Sergio | China church and news update 2012 | 鼎Tripod (168) |
2013 |
Ticozzi, Sergio | Pope Benedict XVI and the church in China | 鼎Tripod (169) |
2013 |
Ticozzi, Sergio | China church and news update | 鼎Tripod (172) |
2014 |
Ticozzi, Sergio | China church and news update 2015 | 鼎Tripod (180) |
2016 |
Ticozzi, Sergio | The fate of Catholics during the cultural revolution (1966-1976) | 鼎Tripod (182) |
2016 |
Ticozzi, Sergio | The establishment of the ecclesiastical hierarchy: its meaning and.... | 鼎Tripod (183) |
2016 |
Ticozzi, Sergio | China Church and news update 2016 | 鼎Tripod (184) |
2017 |
Ticozzi, Sergio | Xi Jinping s meaning of Sinicization of Religions | 鼎Tripod (184) |
2017 |
Ticozzi, Sergio | Excerpt from history of the formation of the native Catholic clergy... | 鼎Tripod (187) |
2017 |
Ticozzi, Sergio | China church and news update 2017 | 鼎Tripod (188) |
2018 |
Ticozzi, Sergio | Religion in China: imperialistic or socialistic? | 鼎Tripod (188) |
2018 |
Ticozzi, Sergio | The need for, and function of the communist ideology | 鼎Tripod (191) |
2018 |
Ticozzi, Sergio | 2018: China church and news update | 鼎Tripod (192) |
2019 |
Ticozzi, Sergio | Year 2019 : statistics and major events of the Catholic church in Chin | 鼎Tripod (196) |
2020 |
聖神修院神哲學院 香港黃竹坑惠福道六號 校務處:college@hsscol.org.hk 圖書館:library@hsscol.org.hk |
Holy Spirit Seminary College 6, Welfare Road, Aberdeen, HK. General Office: college@hsscol.org.hk Library: library@hsscol.org.hk |