作者 | 題目 | 期刊 | 年份 |
Perkins, Franklin | The Limits of “Philosophy” and “Religion” in a Cross-Cultural Cont | 宗教哲學季刊 (060) |
2012 |
Perkins, Franklin | Activism and the unity of heaven and human: insights from the Mengzi | 宗教哲學季刊 (070) |
2014 |
聖神修院神哲學院 香港黃竹坑惠福道六號 校務處:college@hsscol.org.hk 圖書館:library@hsscol.org.hk |
Holy Spirit Seminary College 6, Welfare Road, Aberdeen, HK. General Office: college@hsscol.org.hk Library: library@hsscol.org.hk |