作者 | 題目 | 期刊 | 年份 |
梁潔芬 Leung, Beatrice |
香港天主教會與一九九七 --﹙四﹚政教關係之部 | 鼎Tripod (049) |
1989 |
梁潔芬 Leung, Beatrice |
Hong Kong Roman Catholic Church and 1997 - 4. Church and State | 鼎Tripod (049) |
1989 |
梁潔芬 Leung, Beatrice |
談近代中國的民主:訪香港大學歷史系講師陸人龍博士 | 鼎Tripod (017) |
1983 |
梁潔芬 Leung, Beatrice Wurth, Elmer |
Democracy and Contemporary China - An Interview with Dr. Michael... | 鼎Tripod (017) |
1983 |
劉緒堂 Liu, Ludovicus Leung, Beatrice |
The Franciscan Friars in China During the Yuan Dynasty: A Brief... | 鼎Tripod (017) |
1983 |
梁潔芬 Leung, Beatrice |
訪香港大學博物館館長劉唯邁博士 | 鼎Tripod (016) |
1983 |
梁潔芬 Leung, Beatrice |
Fung Ping Shan Museum: An Inside View | 鼎Tripod (016) |
1983 |
梁潔芬 Leung, Beatrice |
道風山主任訪問記 | 鼎Tripod (010) |
1982 |
梁潔芬 Leung, Beatrice |
與「驛」工作人員的座談 | 鼎Tripod (010) |
1982 |
梁潔芬 Leung, Beatrice |
An Interview with the Director of Tao Fong Shan | 鼎Tripod (010) |
1982 |
梁潔芬 Leung, Beatrice |
An Interview with the Staff of Yi China Message | 鼎Tripod (010) |
1982 |
梁潔芬 Leung, Beatrice |
從「新的開端」談 -- 滿地可中國教會國際會議 | 鼎Tripod (006) |
1981 |
馬振愉 Ma, John Leung, Beatrice |
The Background of Anti-Christian Movement of the Chinese... | 鼎Tripod (006) |
1981 |
梁潔芬 Leung, Beatrice |
有朋自遠方來 | 鼎Tripod (003) |
1981 |
梁潔芬 Leung, Beatrice |
Friends Coming from a Far Distance | 鼎Tripod (003) |
1981 |
梁潔芬 Leung, Beatrice |
瞻前顧後話「天風」 | 鼎Tripod (002) |
1981 |
梁潔芬 Leung, Beatrice |
A Survey of Tian Feng - The Present, Past and Future | 鼎Tripod (002) |
1981 |
梁潔芬 Leung, Beatrice |
這一代尋找甚麼? | 鼎Tripod (001) |
1981 |
梁潔芬 Leung, Beatrice |
What is this Generation Searching for? | 鼎Tripod (001) |
1981 |
梁潔芬 Leung, Beatrice |
教宗致中國教會的信函五周年 | 鼎Tripod (167) |
2012 |
Leung, Beatrice | The mystery behind the Chinese response to the pope's address | 鼎Tripod (097) |
1997 |
Leung, Beatrice | The fifth anniversary of Pope's letter to the Church in China (2007) | 鼎Tripod (167) |
2012 |
聖神修院神哲學院 香港黃竹坑惠福道六號 校務處:college@hsscol.org.hk 圖書館:library@hsscol.org.hk |
Holy Spirit Seminary College 6, Welfare Road, Aberdeen, HK. General Office: college@hsscol.org.hk Library: library@hsscol.org.hk |