作者 | 題目 | 期刊 | 年份 |
湯漢 Tong, John Barry, Peter |
Why and How I Wrote The Theology of Creation | 神學年刊 (014) |
1992-93 |
Lam, Anthony Barry, Peter |
Recent Changes in China’Religious Policy | 鼎Tripod (124) |
2002 |
Barry, Peter | Reinventing Confucianism :the new Confucian movement by ... | 鼎Tripod (126) |
2002 |
Barry, Peter | Shanghai Church responds to spiritual needs of foreigners | 鼎Tripod (128) |
2003 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
中國大陸上三份新文件旨在控制教會 | 鼎Tripod (130) |
2003 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
Three new documents aimed at controlling the Chinese Catholic Church | 鼎Tripod (130) |
2003 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
Seventh verbiest foundation symposium | 鼎Tripod (123) |
2001 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
Book review--《Christianity in China, from the 18th century ... | 鼎Tripod (122) |
2001 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
義和團運動與中國基督宗教研討會總結 | 鼎Tripod (134) |
2004 |
Barry, Peter | An International Conference on the Boxer Movement and Christianity... | 鼎Tripod (134) |
2004 |
Barry, Peter | 8th Verbiest Foundation Symposium held | 鼎Tripod (135) |
2004 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
對新公佈《宗教事務條例》的幾點評析 | 鼎Tripod (136) |
2005 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
Commentary on the new“Regulations on Religious Affairs” | 鼎Tripod (136) |
2005 |
Barry, Peter | Pope Benedict XVI and China | 鼎Tripod (137) |
2005 |
Barry, Peter | Twenty-five years of Tripod | 鼎Tripod (138) |
2005 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
二十五年的《鼎》雙月刊出版回顧 | 鼎Tripod (139) |
2005 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
Fujen Catholic Univeristy celebrates 80 years of its foundation | 鼎Tripod (142) |
2006 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
The 60th anniversary of the establishment of the hierarchy in China | 鼎Tripod (143) |
2006 |
Barry, Peter | Who were the boxers? | 鼎Tripod (119) |
2000 |
Barry, Peter | Death of Bishop Anthony Zhong Quanzhang | 鼎Tripod (116) |
2000 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
澳門:文化交流的中心 | 鼎Tripod (114) |
1999 |
Barry, Peter | Macau:Center of cultural interchange | 鼎Tripod (114) |
1999 |
Barry, Peter | China church and news update - priesty ordinations in Jilin | 鼎Tripod (113) |
1999 |
Barry, Peter | China church and news update - Special feature... | 鼎Tripod (111) |
1999 |
Barry, Peter | Their voice should be heard | 鼎Tripod (110) |
1999 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
客家傳教事業今昔 | 鼎Tripod (107) |
1998 |
Barry, Peter | The Hakka mission yesterday and today | 鼎Tripod (107) |
1998 |
Barry, Peter | The message from the synod of Asian bishop | 鼎Tripod (105) |
1998 |
Barry, Peter | A triple celebration for a beloved Chinese bishop | 鼎Tripod (102) |
1997 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
中國教會:展現新生命 | 鼎Tripod (100) |
1997 |
Barry, Peter | The church in China:New life | 鼎Tripod (100) |
1997 |
Barry, Peter | A profile of Christopher Patten | 鼎Tripod (098) |
1997 |
Barry, Peter | Building up a spirtual civilization | 鼎Tripod (091) |
1996 |
Barry, Peter | The catholic church in modern China, perspectives | 鼎Tripod (079) |
1994 |
Barry, Peter | Documentation-Constitutions of the Chinese bishops' conference | 鼎Tripod (075) |
1993 |
Barry, Peter | Documentation-Constitutions of the Chinese catholic patriotic... | 鼎Tripod (075) |
1993 |
Barry, Peter | Documentation-Bishops' conference committee members | 鼎Tripod (075) |
1993 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
Book review--The laughter and weeping:an old China hand remembers | 鼎Tripod (074) |
1993 |
Barry, Peter | Book review--East meets west:the Jesuits in China, 1582-1773 | 鼎Tripod (073) |
1993 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter 林瑞琪 |
「中國禮儀之爭」國際研討會絮記 | 鼎Tripod (072) |
1992 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
Rites controversy:the San Francisco Conference | 鼎Tripod (072) |
1992 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
Book review--Only a beginning:the passionists in China, 1921-1931 | 鼎Tripod (069) |
1992 |
湯漢 Tong, John Barry, Peter |
Seminary formation in China today and prospects for the future | 鼎Tripod (059) |
1990 |
湯漢 Tong, John Barry, Peter |
The formation of Sisters in China | 鼎Tripod (059) |
1990 |
徐錦堯 Tsui, Luke Barry, Peter |
The establishment of small faith communities in Hong Kong | 鼎Tripod (055) |
1990 |
Amitie-Chine Barry, Peter |
A Dialogue between Liberation Theologians and Chinese Officials | 鼎Tripod (053) |
1989 |
王敬弘 Wang, Richard Barry, Peter |
Forgiveness and Reconciliation | 鼎Tripod (052) |
1989 |
湯漢 Tong, John Barry, Peter |
The New direction of China's Policy toward the Catholic Church | 鼎Tripod (052) |
1989 |
鄭瑞薇 Cheng, Dominica Sr. Barry, Peter |
My Ten Years in Sister Formation | 鼎Tripod (051) |
1989 |
楊祖媛 Yeung, Teresa Barry, Peter |
The Catholic Church in Yunnan Province | 鼎Tripod (047) |
1988 |
Lo, Peter Ho, Jessica Barry, Peter |
Reflections on Lay Participation in the Church's Ministry in Hong Kon | 鼎Tripod (042) |
1987 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
從香港政制改革談到直選 | 鼎Tripod (040) |
1987 |
Barry, Peter | Political Reform in Hong Kong: A Commetary | 鼎Tripod (040) |
1987 |
金魯賢 Jin, Aloysius Luxian Barry, Peter |
The Church in China: Today and Tomorrow | 鼎Tripod (040) |
1987 |
項退結 Hang, Thaddaeus Barry, Peter |
The Interaction of Social Relationships and Philosopical Thought | 鼎Tripod (039) |
1987 |
鄔昆如 Wu, Peter Barry, Peter |
Contemporary Philosophy and Social Concern | 鼎Tripod (039) |
1987 |
Barry, Peter | A Discussion on“Separation of Church and State”in Hong Kong... | 鼎Tripod (038) |
1987 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter 林瑞琪 |
中國動態短評 | 鼎Tripod (037) |
1987 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
Some Observations on Recent Events in China | 鼎Tripod (037) |
1987 |
湯漢 Tong, John Barry, Peter |
The Visit of the Chinese Catholic Friendship Delegation | 鼎Tripod (036) |
1986 |
沙百里 Charbonnier, Jean Barry, Peter |
Church and State in China Today | 鼎Tripod (033) |
1986 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
宗教事務局長任務之訪港 | 鼎Tripod (032) |
1986 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
簡介「天主教研究資料匯編」 | 鼎Tripod (032) |
1986 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
Ren Wuzhi in Hong Kong | 鼎Tripod (032) |
1986 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
Formal Address of Bishop Wu | 鼎Tripod (032) |
1986 |
張鳴臬 Zhang, Ming Gao Barry, Peter |
Signs of Progress in the Stone House Church | 鼎Tripod (032) |
1986 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
A Compilation of Catholic Research Materials: A Review | 鼎Tripod (032) |
1986 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
Formal Addresses by Bishop Wu in Guangzhou and Eastern Guangdong | 鼎Tripod (031) |
1986 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter 林瑞琪 |
龔品梅主教接見訪客 | 鼎Tripod (030) |
1985 |
區華勝 Au, Joseph Barry, Peter |
Jesus the Servant and the Servant Church: New Testament Perspectives | 鼎Tripod (030) |
1985 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
Bishop Gong Pinmei Receives Visitors from Abroad | 鼎Tripod (030) |
1985 |
李震 Ly, Gabriel Barry, Peter |
Atheism and China | 鼎Tripod (029) |
1985 |
Kelly, E. Barry, Peter |
Brothers and Sisters in the Lord | 鼎Tripod (029) |
1985 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter 游麗清 |
愛德基金會 -- 中國基督徒的對外活動 | 鼎Tripod (027) |
1985 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
Amity: Christian Outreach in China | 鼎Tripod (027) |
1985 |
林瑞琪 Lam, Anthony Barry, Peter |
The Church in Fog City: Notes on a Trip to Chongqing | 鼎Tripod (027) |
1985 |
湯漢 Tong, John Barry, Peter |
With Bishop Wu on His Historic Visit to China | 鼎Tripod (026) |
1985 |
房志榮 Fang, Mark Barry, Peter |
Reconciliation: Highpoints of Biblical Revelation | 鼎Tripod (026) |
1985 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter 林瑞琪 |
從中國經濟改革看「理論與實際」 | 鼎Tripod (025) |
1985 |
TRIPOD Barry, Peter |
The Consecration of Li Side and Jin Luxian as Auxiliary Bishops of... | 鼎Tripod (025) |
1985 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
Theory and Practice: A Discussion of China's Economic Reform | 鼎Tripod (025) |
1985 |
湯漢 Tong, John Barry, Peter |
The 4th Year Report of Holy Spirit Study Centre | 鼎Tripod (024) |
1984 |
劉賽眉 Lau, Maria Goretti Barry, Peter |
A Brief Analysis of the Instruction on Certain Aspects of the... | 鼎Tripod (024) |
1984 |
李震 Li, Zhen Mgr. Barry, Peter |
Remake the Image of Scientists | 鼎Tripod (022) |
1984 |
房志榮 Fang, Mark Barry, Peter |
Today's Chinese Christians and Patriotism | 鼎Tripod (022) |
1984 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter 游麗清 |
評介「傳教士與近代中國」重印本 | 鼎Tripod (021) |
1984 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter 梁潔芬 |
台灣天主教慶祝一百廿五週年 | 鼎Tripod (021) |
1984 |
湯漢 Tong, John Barry, Peter |
Mission, Indigenization, Dialogue | 鼎Tripod (021) |
1984 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
Gu Changsheng's Missionaries and Modern China Reprinted | 鼎Tripod (021) |
1984 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
Taiwan Catholics Celebrate Anniversary | 鼎Tripod (021) |
1984 |
沙百里 Charbonnier, Jean Barry, Peter |
A Patriotism of Three Loves: Love of Motherland, Love of Socialism... | 鼎Tripod (020) |
1984 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter 游麗清 |
金魯賢院長神父的佘山修院周年報告 | 鼎Tripod (019) |
1984 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
Sheshan Seminary After One Year: Reported by the Rector | 鼎Tripod (019) |
1984 |
Cottier, Georges M.M. Barry, Peter Lazzarotto, Angelo |
The Paths of Atheism in Marxism | 鼎Tripod (018) |
1983 |
獨行 Duxing Barry, Peter |
The Churches of Wuhan: Leaves from a Traveller's Notebook | 鼎Tripod (018) |
1983 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter 游麗清 |
褔建天主教簡史 | 鼎Tripod (017) |
1983 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
A Brief Historical Glimpse of the Catholic Church in Fujian Province | 鼎Tripod (017) |
1983 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter 游麗清 |
馬克思主義的人道主義是否存在? | 鼎Tripod (016) |
1983 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
Is There a Marxist Humanism? | 鼎Tripod (016) |
1983 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter 游麗清 |
復活節華東之旅 -- 高佑恩中國學習旅行第三團 | 鼎Tripod (015) |
1983 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
An Easter Visit to Huadong - On Carroll Study Tour No. 3 | 鼎Tripod (015) |
1983 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
Book Review of“A New Beginning” | 鼎Tripod (014) |
1983 |
任致遠 Jeanne, Pierre Barry, Peter |
Chinese History as Viewed by Bai Shouyi | 鼎Tripod (014) |
1983 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
羊城假期見聞 | 鼎Tripod (013) |
1983 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
A Vacation Venture to Guangzhou | 鼎Tripod (013) |
1983 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter 李國仁 |
中國禮儀之爭 | 鼎Tripod (012) |
1982 |
陸鴻基 Luk, Hung Kay, Bernard Barry, Peter |
The Background in European History of Matteo Ricci s Mission | 鼎Tripod (012) |
1982 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
The Chinese Rites Controversy | 鼎Tripod (012) |
1982 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
褔建之遊 | 鼎Tripod (011) |
1982 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter 梁潔芬 |
一份典型的教會刊物 -- 天風 | 鼎Tripod (011) |
1982 |
劉賽眉 Lau, Maria Goretti Barry, Peter |
An Introduction to Third World Theologies (2): The Religious Situation | 鼎Tripod (011) |
1982 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
A Visit to the Fujian Province | 鼎Tripod (011) |
1982 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
A Model Church Magazine - Tian Feng | 鼎Tripod (011) |
1982 |
劉賽眉 Lau, Maria Goretti Barry, Peter |
An Introduction to Third World Theologies (1): The Theology of... | 鼎Tripod (010) |
1982 |
沙百里 Charbonnier, Jean Barry, Peter |
A Chinese Way for Christians: The Motreal Conference (2-9 Oct, 1981) | 鼎Tripod (009) |
1982 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
《世界宗教資料》續介 | 鼎Tripod (008) |
1982 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
More from“Resources on World Religion” | 鼎Tripod (008) |
1982 |
Xing, Wen 溫順天 Barry, Peter |
“Was It For the Sake of the Gospel?” | 鼎Tripod (007) |
1982 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
滿地可的印象 | 鼎Tripod (006) |
1981 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
Impressions on Montreal | 鼎Tripod (006) |
1981 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter 梁潔芬 |
景教流行中國碑一千二百年紀念 | 鼎Tripod (004) |
1981 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter 梁潔芬 |
1200th Anniversary of the Erection of the Nestorian Tablet | 鼎Tripod (004) |
1981 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
近日國內雜誌有關宗教的文章 | 鼎Tripod (001) |
1981 |
溫順天 Barry, Peter |
Recent Articles on Religious Subjects in Chinese Magazines | 鼎Tripod (001) |
1981 |
Barry, Peter | The life of Fr. Leonard Marron, MM, among the Bunun people in Taiwan | 鼎Tripod (180) |
2016 |
Barry, Peter | Book review: Kilian Stumpf, acta Pekinensia, historical records ...... | 鼎Tripod (181) |
2016 |
Barry, Peter | Book review Christian Monks on Chinese Soil, a history of Monastic.... | 鼎Tripod (186) |
2017 |
房志榮 Fang, Mark Barry, Peter |
A Response to Fu Lean's Essay “The General Situation of The Modern..." | 鼎Tripod (049) |
1989 |
關俊棠 Kwan, Thomas Barry, Peter |
Priestly Formation in Hong Kong's Holy Spirit Seminary: Past... | 鼎Tripod (023) |
1984 |
聖神修院神哲學院 香港黃竹坑惠福道六號 校務處:college@hsscol.org.hk 圖書館:library@hsscol.org.hk |
Holy Spirit Seminary College 6, Welfare Road, Aberdeen, HK. General Office: college@hsscol.org.hk Library: library@hsscol.org.hk |