作者 | 題目 | 期刊 | 年份 |
張雲開 Cheung, W., Paul |
The mystery of revelation 17:5 & 7 a typological entrance (暨abstract) | 建道學刊 (018) |
2002 |
張雲開 Cheung, W., Paul |
The theology of David Tracy going public(暨中英文撮要) | 建道學刊 (015) |
2001 |
張雲開 Cheung, W., Paul |
The multiple streams of skeptical influence on ... (暨中英文撮要) | 建道學刊 (014) |
2000 |
張雲開 Cheung, W., Paul |
神學書評--William S. Kurz, S.J., Reading Luke-Acts ... | 建道學刊 (014) |
2000 |
張雲開 Cheung, W., Paul |
神學書評--Gerd Ludemann, The resurrection of Jesus ... | 建道學刊 (014) |
2000 |
張雲開 Cheung, W., Paul |
Revisiting the case of an infinitive with two ...(暨中英文撮要) | 建道學刊 (013) |
1999 |
張雲開 Cheung, W., Paul |
書評:McGrath, Alister《Glimpsing the face of God:The search ... | 建道學刊 (022) |
2004 |
張雲開 Cheung, Paul W. |
教會與神醫膜拜 —— 新約醫病恩賜場景的初探 〈暨中英文撮要〉 | 建道學刊 (034) |
2010 |
張雲開 | 耶利米與約瑟夫—— 投降與投誠之間的迷思 | 建道學刊 (046) |
2016 |
聖神修院神哲學院 香港黃竹坑惠福道六號 校務處:college@hsscol.org.hk 圖書館:library@hsscol.org.hk |
Holy Spirit Seminary College 6, Welfare Road, Aberdeen, HK. General Office: college@hsscol.org.hk Library: library@hsscol.org.hk |