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Theology Annual




ANDERSON, H.. The Gospel of Mark (New Century Bible). 1976, xviii 366p.

BENNETT. W.J. Jr., "The Son of Man Must...", Novum Testamentum 17,1975, 113-129.

BULTMANN, R.K., The History of the Synoptic Tradition (Translated by John Marsh). Oxford. Blackwell, 1963, vii 456p.

BULTMANN, R.K., "The Primitive Christian Kerygma and the Historical Jesus". The Historical Jesus and the Kerygmatic Christ, edited by C. E. Braaten and R.A. Harrisville, New York. Abingdon, 1964, 247.

KASPER. W., Jesus the Christ (Translated by V, Green), London, Burns and Oates. 1976, 289p.

KUNG, H., On Being a Christian (Translated by E. Quinn). Garden City, New York, Doubleday, 1976, 720p.

NINEHAM, D. E.. The Gospel of St. Mark, Middlesex, Penguin Books, 1965, 477p.

PERRIN, N., "The Creative Use of the Son of Man Traditions by Mark", Union Seminary Quarterly Review 23, 1967-68. 357-365.

STRAECKER, G., "The Passion and Resurrection Predictions in Mark's Gospel". Interpretation 22, 1968. 421-442.

TODT, H. E., The Son of Man in the Synoptic Tradition (Translated by D. M. Barton), London, S.C.M. Press, 1965, 366p.

TURNER. C.H., The Gospel According to St. Mark, London, S.P.C.K., 1931.84p.

WERDE, W., The Messianic Secret (Translated by F.C.G. Greig), Cambridge and London, James Clarke, 1971, xxi 292p.





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