An Initial Bibliography in English

Sean 0 Cearbhallain S.J.

Theology Annual vol.2 1978 p.161-168




The following Bibliography is an initial attempt to gather together references to works in English on Basic Christian Communities. It is in general based on the material which is fairly readily available in Hong Kong, notably in the Library of Holy Spirit Seminary. Anyone who is interested in more extensive reading should consult the following international bibliographies:

Delespesse, Max, (edit). Courrier Communautaire International. (Brussels, Centre Communautaire International).

Floristan, C. "Les Communautes de base: compte rendu bibliographique". Concilium (Paris), 104(1975)133-141.

Pigault, G. Christian Communities/Communautes Chretiennes. International Bibliography 1972-1974. RIC (Repertoire bibliographique des institutions chretiennes/Bibliographical repertory of Christian institutions)¡Ð¡ÐSupplement No. 16 (Strasbourg, CERDIC, 1974).

I should like to thank Fr. B. J. Shields S.J. for his help in compiling this Bibliography.

Achutegui, Pedro S., S.J. (edit). Asian Colloquium . . . : see below, FABC.

Alting von Geusau, Leo. "The Basic Community Movement". IDOC International, 29(31 July, 1971)3-14.

Alting von Geusau, Leo. "Towards an International Analysis of New Forms of Community". IDOC International, 44(25 March, 1972)47-70.

Amalorpavadass, D.S. "On the Local Church, on Small Communities, on Missionary Motivation". The Bishops' Synod, 1974: Evangelization in Asia Today, Part 2, pp. 62-66. (Manila, n.d.)

AMECEA. Conclusions of the Fourth AMECEA (Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in East Africa) Plenary Meeting, Nairobi, Kenya, 15-22 July 1976.

Argiiello, Kiko. "To Renew Christian Life in Parishes¡Ð¡ÐNeo-catechumenal Communities". Christ to the World. 22(1977) 92-99.

Basic Christian Communities in the Church. Pro Mundi Vita Bulletin, 62 (Sept. 1976). Compiled by J. Kerkhofs S.I. with the cooperation of A. Mendoza and L. Hertsens W.F., on the basis of information available by November 1976. ("The Quest for Truly Human Communities", pp. 2-5; "Basic Ecclesial Communities in Latin America", pp. 6-12; "Basic Christian Communities in Africa", pp. 13-20; "Basic Christian Communities in Asia", pp. 21-22; "Basic Christian Communities in Europe", pp. 23-26; "Basic Christian Communities and Creativity", pp. 27-30; Appendix: "Extract from the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Nuntiandi", p. 31; "Extract from A Time for Building (Report of Joint Working Party on Pastoral Strategy. C.I.S. of the Bishops' Conference of England and Wales)", p. 32.).

Besret, Bernard. "Communautes de base". IDOC International, 44(25 March, 1972)9-15.

Bianchi, Enzo. "Bose: An Interconfessional Community in Italy". Concilium, New Series, No. 9, Vol. 9 (1973)111-119.

Bravo, Francisco. "Laymen . . . is what it takes". America, 8 April 1967.

Briend, Theo. "A Fruitful Pastoral Experience in a Parish of 30,000 Souls in Brazil". Christ to the World, 21(1976)197-201.

Bright, Laurence, O.P. (edit). The Christian Community. Essays on the Role of the Church in the World. (London, Sheed and Ward, 1971). pp. vii, 168.

CCP National Team. Christian Formation Sessions For Basic Christian Communities, Part 1. (Manila, EAPI, 1977).

CELAM. The Church in the Present-Day Transformation of Latin America in the Light of the Council (The Medellin Documents), esp. Document 15, #10: "Basic Christian Communities". (Washington D.C., The Latin American Bureau, USCC, 1970).

Clark, David B. Basic Communities. (London, SPCK, 1977). pp. 200.

Clark, Stephen B. Building Christian Communities¡Ð¡ÐStrategy for Renewing the Church. (Notre Dame, Indiana, Ave Maria Press, 1972; Manila, Bea Institute, BCC Series, No. 5). pp. 189.

"Community Life in Brazil." The Tablet, (Jan. 1977) 45-46.

Currier, Richard. Agony and Ecstacy in Building Christian Community: A Pastoral Plan for the Catholic Church. (Ligourian Pamphlets, 1969).

Delespesse, Max. The Church Community, Leaven and Life-Style. (Ottawa, The Catholic Centre of St. Paul University, 1969).

DeSousa, D'Arcy A. "The Lost Dimension. The Sense of True Community". Lumen Vitae, 32(1977)197-206.

Dupuis, J., SJ. "Community and Ministry". FABC, Asian Colloquium . . ., pp. 223-243.

Dupuis, J., S.J. "Ministries in the Church. An Asian Colloquium". Vidyajyoti, 41(1977)243-260 (esp. pp. 248-250).

Edele, Andrew. Building Small Communities in Urban Areas. (AMECEA Documentation Series, 18 Jan. 1978).

FABC (Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences). Asian Colloquium on Ministries in the Church. Hong Kong, Feb. 27 Mar. 5, 1977. Edited by Pedro S. de Achutegui S.J. (Manila, Bea Institute, 1977). pp. xxiv, 496.

FABC. "Conclusions of the FABC Colloquium on Ministries in the Church. (Hong Kong, 27th Feb. 5th Mar. 1977)" (Extracts; full text in FABC, Asian Colloquium . . ., pp. 17-57). Vidyajyoti, 41(1977)279-289 (esp. pp. 283-285).

Fang, Mark, S.J., and Shields, B.J., S.J. "The Church as a Living Community in the New Testament". Teaching All Nations, 7(1970) 127-144; also in: Humphrey, Sinicization . . .: see below.

Greeley, Andrew. "The Persistence of Community". Concilium, New Series, No. 9, Vol. 1 (1973)23-35.

Gresh, Ted. (edit). Basic Christian Communities in the Philippines. (Manila, Bea Institute, 1977, BCC Series, No. 8). pp. viii, 139.

Gresh, Ted. (edit). New Ministries in the Church. An international Survey. (Manila, Bea Institute, 1977, BCC Series, No. 7).

Gresh, Ted. (edit). New Ministries in the Church. A Philippine Perspective. (Manila, Bea Institute, 1977, BCC Series, No. 6).

Gresh, Ted. (edit). New Wineskins for a Church in Ferment ¡Ð¡ÐAll About Basic Christian Communities. (Manila, Bea Institute, 1977, BCC Series, No. 4). pp. iv, 127.

Gresh, Ted. (edit). Outline¡Ð¡ÐA Core Course for Lay Leadership Formation. (Manila, Lay Formation Institute, 1976; Bea Institute, 1977, BCC Series, No. 2). pp. iv, 40.

Gresh, Ted. (edit). Readings on Basic Christian Communities in the Church. (Manila, Bea Institute, 1977, BCC Series, No. 1).

Hally, Cyril. "Japanese Community Models". Pro Mundi Vita Bulletin, 41(1972)29-32.

Harriot, John F.X., S.J. "Basic Communities in Asia". The Month, (March 1978)81-85.

HasenhuttI, Gotthold. "Church and Institution". Concilium, New Series, No. 10, Vol. 1 (1974)1-21.

Haughton, Rosemary. "The New Communities". Doctrine and Life, 27(1977) No. 5, 53-64.

Hearne, B. Theological Reflections on the Objectives of Christian Community. (AMECEA Documentation Series, 18 May 1976; AMECEA Plenary Study Conference, 1976, Position Paper, No. 2).

Hertens, L. "The Basic Community in African Churches". Pro Mundi Vita Bulletin, 41(1972)27-28.

Hofinger, J., S.J., and Sheridan, T.J., S.J. The Medellin Papers. A Selection from the Proceedings of the Sixth International Study Week on Catechetics, held at Medellin, Columbia, 11-17 August 1968. (Manila, EAPI, 1969). pp. 222.

Humphrey, Delos A., M.M. Sinicization. The Church as a Living Community (1969 Workshop); The Gospel of Christ and Modern China (1970 Workshop). (Taipei, 1971).

IDOC International 44, Editorial. "New Forms of Community". IDOC International, 44(25 March 1972)2-8.

International Colloquium on New Forms of Community Life (Louvain, 9-13 Sept. 1971). Pro Mundi Vita Bulletin, 41(1972)3-7.

J.C. "Life of a Christian Community in a Chinese Village". Christ to the World, 21(1976)202-205.

Kalilombe, P.A., Bishop. An Overall View On Building Christian Communities. (AMECEA Documentation Series, May 1976).

Kalilombe, P.A., Bishop. "Building Christian Communities". Lumen Vitae, 32(1977)175-196.

Kenney, Carlton. The Church Which Is His Body. (Cariton Kenney, P.O. Box 5036, Waco, Texas).

Kilian, S.J. Theological Models For The Parish. (With full bibliography). (New York, Alba House, 1977). pp. xi, 192.

Kosicki, G.W., C.S.B. "Steps Toward Christian Community". Review for Religious, 36(1977)467-477.

LADOC. Basic Christian Communities. (The LADOC "Keyhole" Series: Latin American Documentation, USCC, Washington; Manila, Bea Institute, 1977, BCC Series 3). pp. ii, 63.

Lohfink, Norbert, S.J. Experiences of Basic Christian Communities in West Germany. (Position Paper at Seventh Jesuit Ecumenical Congress, Frankfurt, 24-30 August, 1977).

Martin, Ralph. Unless the Lord Build The House . . . (esp. pp. 35-38, "Christian Community"). (Notre Dame, Indiana, Ave Maria Press, 1971). pp. 63.

Mensa Domini Catechetical Institute. Growing Up Towards a New Community: Practical Guide for Building Christian Communities. (San Jose, Antique, Philippines, Mensa Domini Catechetical Institute, 1977). pp. iv, 94.

Meyer, Bernard P., M.M. Christian Communities in the Third World. (Maryknoll, New York, 1969, privately printed for Maryknollers). pp. vi, 167.

Mukombe, Pirigisha, Bishop (interview). "A Living Christian Community in the Diocese of Kasongo in Central Africa (Zaire)". Christ to the World, 22(1977)317-322.

New Forms of Community Life. Pro Mundi Vita Bulletin, 41(1972). Contents detailed in this Bibliography under: international Colloquium ...; Nuij; Scherer; Hertens; Hally.

Njenga, John, Bishop. "How to Build Basic Christian Communities in Eastern Africa". Christ to the World, 22(1977)403-410.

Nuij, Ton. "New Forms of Community Life". Pro Mundi Vita Bulletin, 41(1972)8-17.

Paine, Rick. "Project Place". IDOC International, 44(25 March 1972) 16-23.

Palmes, C. "Basic Ecclesial Communities and Religious Leadership in Latin America". Pro Mundi Vita Bulletin, 50(1974)77-79.

Paul VI, Pope. "Evangelization in the Modern World" (Evangelii Nuntiandi), Dec. 8th, 1975, #58, "Ecclesial Basic Communities". L'Osservatore Romano (English Edition), 25 December 1975, p. 6.

Paul VI, Pope. "Local Church Structures in a Time of Renewal" (Address to the XXI Italian National Study Week for Pastoral Renewal (Aggiornamento), the theme of which was: Diocese, Parish and Basic Communities; Sept. 9th, 1971). The Pope Speaks, 16(1971)218-222; cf. The Clergy Monthly, 36(1972) 81-83.

Paul VI, Pope. "The Neo-Catechetical Communities". (Extract from a speech given on 12 January 1977 to the International Congress of the Neo-Catechumenal Communities, 10-13 January 1977). Christ to the World, 22(1977)74-79.

Paz, Jehudah. "Kibbutzirn". IDOC International, 44(25 March 1972)24-46.

Perrin Jassy, Marie-France. Basic Community in the Africa Churches. (Translated by Sr. Jeanne Marie Lyons, Maryknoll, New York, Orbis Books, 1973). pp. xviii, 257.

Perrin Jassy, Marie-France. Forming Christian Communities. (Uganda, Gaba Institute Pastoral Papers No. 17, Gaba Publications, 1970).

Perrin Jassy, Marie-France. "Leadership". Pro Mundi Vita Bulletin, 50(1974)80-82.

Power, David, O.M.I. "In the end God: Thoughts on Community". Doctrine and Life, 26(1976)174-184.

Rahner, Karl, S.J. The Shape of the Church to Come. (German Ed: Freiburg, Herder, 1972; English Trans: London, SPCK, 1974; Manila, Bea Institute, BCC Series No. 9).

Rahner, Karl, S.J. "On the Structure of the People of the Church Today". Theological Investigations, Vol. 12, pp. 218-228. (London, Darton, Longman and Todd, 1974).

Rahner, Karl, S.J. "Perspectives for the Future of the Church". Theological Investigations, Vol. 12, pp. 202-217. (London, Darton, Longman and Todd, 1974).

Regan, David, C.S.Sp. "The Small Community as Most Local Church". Doctrine and Life, 26(1976)845-854.

Remy, Jean, and Voye, Liliane. "Informal Groups in the Present-Day Church: A Sociological Analysis". Concilium, New Series, No. 10, Vol. 1 (1974)85-99. ,

Rich, John. Life Together in Small Christian Communities. A Leadership Training Course. (Davao City, Philippines, The Lay Leadership Institutes, 1977). pp. ii, 94.

Rigby, Andrew. Communes in Great Britain. (London, Routledge, 1974).

Russell, Letty M. "Theological Aspects of the Partnership of Women and Men in Christian Communities". Pro Mundi Vita Bulletin, 59(1976)4-10.

Scheepens, J., S.M.M. Towards Christian Communities in the Parish. (Uganda, Gaba Publications, 1970).

Scherer, Jacqueline. "Some Paradoxes of Contemporary Communities: Sociological Observations". Pro Mundi Vita Bulletin, 41(1972)18-26.

Siefer, Gregor. "Ecclesiological Implications of Weber's Definition of 'Community' ". Concilium, New Series, No. 10, Vol. 1 (1974) 148-160.

Silva Corcuera, Guillermo, S.J. Christian Base Communities: A Church being born of the people who are fighting for their liberation. (Position Paper at Seventh Jesuit Ecumenical Con- gress, Frankfurt, 24-30 August 1977).

Smith, Frances. Towards a Living Church. (Uganda, Gaba Institute Pastoral Papers, No. 15).

Synod of Bishops, 1974. "Suggestions of French Bishops". Teaching All Nations, 12(1975)28.

Synod of Bishops, 1974. "Topics for Discussion". Teaching All Nations, 12(1975)13.

Van de Vijver, Raymond, C.I.C.M. "Establishment of a Neo-Catechumenal Community in Japan". Christ to the World, 22(1977)100-104.

Vanier, Jean. "Building up a Healing Community (A Retreat with JeanVanier)". Good Tidings, 15(1976)127-128.

Vanzin, Calixte Victorin. "Living Christian Communities in the Diocese of Uvira (Zaire)". Christ to the World, 19(1974) 453-461.

Vision on Building Small Christian Communities. (Seminar held in Davao City, Philippines, September 1977).

Wu, John Baptist, Bishop. Pastoral Letter on Basic Christian Communities. Hong Kong, Sunday Examiner, 24 March 1978, p. 1.

Prepared by: Holy Spirit Seminary College